Chapter 12

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"That's odd, I smell the Fox very close, but not anywhere to be seen,"

The small hunting patrol was just to show Lyla the territory and how to hunt.

Thornstrike went back into a hunting crouch with Flamepaw right beside him.

Then he saw a flash of red fur. Next was a type of growling.
Thornstrike knew they were in danger.

"Flamepaw! Lyla! RUN!!!!!"

Just as Thornstrike managed to get those words out, the fox attacked him and Thornstrike didn't hesitate to fight back.

He looked up to see Flamepaw attacking the Fox as well, but Lyla was nowhere to be seen.

"Thornstrike Help!!"

He heard Flamepaws muffled terrified mew and slid out from under the Fox's paws, and clawed at its throat, trying to weaken it to get off of Flamepaw. The fox howeled in pain and let go, but didn't give up. It leaped at them with an open mouth, those pearly white, Razor sharp teeth ready to bite the hell out of them.

With the two attacking with outstretched claws, the fox got both of them, and they flew across the clearing. They returned to their paws and attacked yet again.

"Where is Lyla!?!"
"I don't know! She ran off!"

That conversation was quickly interuppted by the Fox Coming at them, full speed.


Lyla looked behind herself. Nothing was there.

Thier strong clan cats. They can handle that fox by themselves. The'll return soon enough.

Lyla made it back to camp, shaking those thoughts away as she simply grabbed a mouse, and layed down to eat.

"Where's the rest of the patrol?"
Nightstar was passing towards Lyla.

Lyla licked up the rest of the mouse, then looked up to speak.

"Oh them? We ran into a fox and Thornstrike yelled at me and Flamepaw to run, but Flamepaw dissobeyed and didn't come with me. They'll handle it though, it's just a fox, they're clan cats, a fox doesn't stand a chance right?"

Lyla was oddly calm, while Nighstars face was full of astonishment.

"You're chasing my tail right?"
"No I'm serious."
"LYLA! You can't leave them alone WITH A FOX!!!!! They'll DIE!!!! SCORCHPAW! AMBERPAW! SHADOWSTORM! LIGHTNINGFUR! Come quick!! You too Lyla!!!"

Scorchpaw jumped at Nightstars tone. What was going on? What was wrong and why was she bringing so many cats? Where was Lyla's patrol? Why had she come back alone?

So many questions fluttered his mind. He shook them away and pelted after Nightstar and the rest of the cats behind her.

When they arrived the destination, what he had seen made his heart sink.

It was Thornstrike and Flamepaws fur scarlet and the clearing was stained with blood. Not only that, but a fox's body was laying there too, bloodied and dead.

Tears rolled down Every cats face. Nightstar let out a cry full of grief. Nooooooo-- Thornss-strike!"

"This is all your fault! You caused this!!!!"

Scorchpaws grief quickly turned to anger and he leaped at Lyla with his claws unsheathed. He saw Lylas terrified look on his face, when Shadowstorm leaped back and took his apprentice with him, and pinned him.

"We don't kill for revenge!"
Shadowstorm growled.

Scorchpaw hissed "Get off me!!!" and belly raked Shadowstorm, kicking him off.

Shadowstorm yoweled in pain. That's when Nightstar stepped in.

She barely unsheathed her claws and swiped her kit's muzzle, making blood seep out.

"Scorchpaw!" Amberpaw ran over to him.

"Leave me alone!!!" he hissed back and ran through back through camp, all the way to the edge of EnderClan territory.

He sat there and grieved the rest of the night, looking into Silverpelt for his father.

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