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It's been six years since me and Sirius got together and guess what, now I'm carrying the d*ckheads baby. We got married after graduation, like literally straight away. All the marauders were there except Peter which was quite weird, Lily, Holly, my mum, my dad, everyone. After the wedding we went home and had sex...casually.

James and Lily got closer over the last few years. He finally took my advice and defaulted his massive head. Lily admitted to me a few months after me and Sirius got together that she liked him. It was a big commotion but eventually after a fews fights, longs nights of planning and one super asking out, Lily said yes. I've never seen James so happy. They got married after us, about 3 months after us and now their expecting a baby boy. She was also my maid of honor at mine and Sirius's wedding.

Holly didn't stick around for long after the wedding. We became really close over the last few years. Last thing I heard she was off with her boyfriend, Jamie Long, in India somewhere, studying witches and wizards in India. Their trying for a baby.

My Dad sadly died in sixth year due to Deatheaters. It's never been the same since. My Mum's found a new boyfriends, he's nice and all but he'll never quite be the same as Dad.

Alice found herself a lovely man called Frank Longbottom. They got married in sixth year and have a little baby boy called Neville. I'm his godmother and Sirius is his godfather as Frank and Sirius got close after Alice and Frank got together.

Kelly, surprisingly, went out with Remus until graduation where he broke up with her because of him being a werewolf. Kelly came to my wedding but I've never seen her since. 

Peter ran off straight after graduation, none of us have ever seen him since not even the Marauders. It's a pity really, I was just warming up to him.

Remus, as I said, broke up with Kelly. He spends most his time undercover, underground with other werewolves. He seems to be warming up to my friend Nymphordora Tonks who I met in fifth year.

Sophie was a bridesmaid along with Alice and Kelly. We're still best friends and we see each other a lot. She is now going out with someone from a famous band. I think the bands called 5 Seconds of something or other. He's really nice and their getting married soon. 

As for Maya, she transferred to Beaubaxtons in fifth year and she never really talks to any of us except Lily which is a bit suspicious. I invited her to our wedding but she sent hers back. I haven't bothered with her since.

"Honey?" I call from my chair which no one else is  allowed to sit in as I am heavily pregnant and can't move.

"Yes?" Sirius says, piping his head out his study.

Me and Sirius are both aurors but I've been doing less and less because someone made me pregnant. 

"The phones ringing! Go get it!" I snap, pointing towards the muggle telephone.

"Only if you give me a kiss!" Sirius says,  slowly walking towards me.

People think couples stop all the kiss-wissy stuff after they get married but Sirius has always insisted we keep it up. If you know what I mean. Basically its all Sirius's fault I'm pregnant.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, come here!"

"Yay!" Sirius exclaims, rushing towards me.

I give him a quick peck on the nose and getting back to doing...nothing.

"Hello?" Sirius says into the phone after picking it. 

"Who is it Honey?" I call out.

"James." he answers quickly.

Siriusly? (A Sirius Black Love Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara