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I was standing behind Lily, who was sorting through my wardrobe and trunk. She was looking for the perfect outfit! I don't get it, it's just a date, we don't have to dress up. It's nothing special. In process of sorting my clothes, she was hitting me in the face with random items of clothing.

"FOUND IT!" Lily screamed throwing a pile clothes at me. I caught it and headed towards the bathroom. I looked at the clothes Lily had chosen for me. A blue skater skirt, a red jumper with daisies on it, grey knee-high socks, grey wedges and a grey scarf. I groaned. A skirt! I was going to freeze. Okay this is day I die. Goodbye world! I slipped on the outfit and walked out the bathroom.

"Okay bye Lily, I'll meet you in the three Broomsticks" I said heading towards the door.

"Not so fast Missy, time for makeup and hair." I groaned. You probably might of guessed by now, I wasn't a girly girl.

"But Liillllly! I don't want toooo" I whined as she pushed towards her dressing table, I sat down and she began her magic. (A/N Hahaha!)

"Tiff, why won't your hair straighten!?" Lily asked me, tugging at my hair.

"Because it's curly? Anyway if you wanted it straight you could have just asked. I'm a metamophmagus, remember?" I said turning my hair straight.

"I've been trying to make your hair straight for an hour for nothing?" She groaned when I nodded. I giggled. Opps!

"Right, that's all you need. Off you go, have fun!" Lily said pushing me towards the door. I gave her a hug.

"Thanks Lily, I'll tell you all about it in The Three Broomsticks later" I called walking out the door. I skipped downstairs and came face-to-face with Sirius. I gave her a cold, hard glare. I still hadn't forgiven him and he still didn't know what he had done. As I glared at him his smile slipped away. I saw James hovering behind Sirius with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, Tiff we should get going" James called over Sirius's shoulder. I nodded and pushed past Sirius.

"Hey Princess, what did I do?" Sirius said. I turned to him, glaring at him.

"First of all; don't call me 'Princess' and secondly; as if you don't know what you did!" I spat at him. He frowned, obviously acting like he didn't know. I rolled my eyes, tapping my foot.

"Okay, I give up! I don't know what I've done!" he said, flapping his arms.

"Well, your going to have to figure that out, aren't you?" I said. I held my hand out to James who took it slowly. As we walked out the door, I swore I heard Sirius say something.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sirius's P.O.V

Oh Merlin! She looked beautiful. Tiff had come downstairs and was talking to James and I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Hey princess, what did I do?" I asked. She looked at me in disbelief.

"Firstly; don't call me 'Princess' and secondly; as if you don't know!" she spat at me. I searched every inch of my mind to find, yet nothing!

"Okay, I give up! I don't know what I've done!" I said, flapping my arms.

"Well, your going to have to figure that out, aren't you?" she said. She held her hand out to James, who took it. They then walked out the door.

"God, I think I love her!" I muttered to myself. I walked back up to our dorm and flopped onto my bed, groaning.

"What's up Padfoot?" Remus asked. I moaned again.

"Come on Paddy. Just tell me!" Remus said again.

"ndhgu nidng ndignd nmao" I said into my pillow. I heard Remus sigh.

"I think I love Tiff..." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. I heard him gasp.

"Wow!" he said. I frowned into my pillow, trying to think about what Tiff was mad about.

"Moony, do you know why Tiff is mad at me?" I asked, desperate to find out. He sighed.

"It's so obvious Padfoot!" he said.

"Well, it's not obvious to me!" I shouted across to him. He shook his head.

"Please tell me Moony!" I whined.

"Fine, she's mad because you kept flirting with Kelly Nard!" he explained. Ah! I see, opps!

"Oh...." I trailed off, looking guilty.

"Jeez Padfoot, you only just realized that!" I nodded. "Your so dumb Paddy!"

"Hey!" I said offended. I almost heard him roll his eyes. I sighed and rolled off my bed.

"Come on Moony, let's go to Hogmeade." I said, pulling out some random clothes.

"So you can spy on Tiff and James" he joked. I scowled at him whilst pulling on my jeans.

"You will never stop will you?" I said. He shook his head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tiff's P.O.V

As we walked through Hogmeade, it started to snow. I looked at James and we both started laughing.

"Come on, let's go to Honeydukes" I said, pulling him towards the sweet shop.

"What do you want? I'll pay" I said, smiling.

"No no! I'll pay!" he insisted. We went back and fourth like this until I eventually gave into to James. I picked up some chocolate frogs, toffee and fudge. I put all my items onto the counter and James payed for them. I skipped out of them shop and towards the Three Broomsticks. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Remus and Lily come out of the book store. I nudged James.

"There's Lily, ready?" I said, smiling nervously. James nodded ever so slightly. He leaned in and I closed the space between us. Well, then we kissed. It was nothing special. No sparks but I could almost feel the jealous vibes coming off Lily. We broke apart, smiling. We turned to see Lily, frozen to the spot. Remus nudged her and she shook out of her trance.

"Hey Lils!" I shouted. She gave a small smile and began to walk over.

"Hey Tiff! Did you have a nice time?" she said, stiffly.

"Definitely! James is such a sweetheart" I added a small kiss on the cheek for more affect. We walked inside the Three Broomsticks and found a small table near the back.

"I'll go order, four butterbeers?" I asked.

"Make that five, Princess" a voice said behind me, making me jump.

"Oh hey Padfoot!" I groaned aloud.

"I guess it's five then" I sighed and turn around to go.

"Wait up Princess! I'll come with you" Sirius called but I kept going.

"You know, your really short!" Damn his long legs! Damn my short legs!

"What do you want Black?" I snapped. Hurt flashed through his eyes for second until they turned back to their normal twinkle.

"I wanted to apologize for flirting with Kelly." he said. I nodded and carried on walking to the bar.

"Hi, can I get five butterbeers please?" I asked the barmaid. She nodded.

"Wait, princess! Are we good?" he demanded.

"I'm not ready to forgive you yet, your going to have to something bigger than that" I pointed out.

"Ohh..." he said, turning around and walking back to the table. I took the butterbeers.

"Hey guys, butterbeers are here" I called out, setting the tray onto the table. They all took their own glass. I sat down on the seat next to Lily and took a sip out of the glass.

__________________________________________________________________Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, I've just been really busy with school! Keep reading.

Random fact: Tiff loves Pizza and Bacon.


Siriusly? (A Sirius Black Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora