I was mad at Blake and at Naomi. They were keeping things from me and it pained me to think that it was due to the age difference. Ten years between Naomi and I, while there was eight between Blake and I. It's strange to think that I'm the youngest out of three, that's if dad doesn't have any other children out there. But, that's least of my struggle.

With this damn amnesia, I feel like my whole being is being torn apart. Every memory I'm trying to retain, means I'm ending up with a headache. Thus meaning I have to take more painkillers. I seldom wonder why I managed to stay under my limit, especially when I get so many headaches.

I don't think I meant to be mad at them but I couldn't help it. Ever since the accident, my emotions have been all over that place. Could be up one minute and down the next. It was annoying. Too annoying.

"Niamh. No one's saying you're a little kid."

"But you're implying it. I'm not 2 anymore. I'm 26, and I'm a working adult. I might be struggling right now, but just because I am, doesn't mean jackshit."

"Niamh, please listen to me."

"Blake, I can't do nothing else but listen to you. So, please do explain why I've had to hear that my own brother and sister are at each others throats. Please, enlighten me," I spoke, sitting my ass back down on the chair I just left. I was pissed to say the least. I was pissed because I hated how everyone was sugar coating things and leaving me out to dry. Some of the things I knew was unintentional, but I knew a lot of the times it was intentional.

"Well, we knew you were struggling with mum and dad's death so we kept it quiet. We just didn't want to disturb you even more."

"The time you both came over for the will reading, you were both lying to me then? Just like now?"

"Niamh, you have to understand, we didn't want to do it to you, but we felt we needed to."

"Save it, Blake. Just go sleep with my best friend and leave me alone," I huffed walking off.

I was angry. Beyond angry and I knew that I'd overstepped the mark but sometimes I needed to get that angry side of me out. It was like the green-eyed monster lived within me constantly. I know the comparison between the jealousy monster to anger is a little short sided but it made sense in my mind. Everything made sense in my mind but nothing made sense at the same time. It was like I was going forward with time but also going backwards as well. I felt like everything was just getting on top of me again.

I walked out my front door, towards to Beth's cafe, but I wasn't going to Beth's cafe. Instead I was going to see Andy. I needed to see where I was on things. Especially with my work, and to see if I still had a job or not.

As I came upon the familiar grey building, I noticed how little it had changed from my dream. It was just the same bland, blank canvas. Out of all the buildings that surrounded it, it was the one that had the least colour in it. The rest were all of colour, and then there was Andy's, boring and horrible to look at.

The revolving doors took me to my destination of the main landing, giving signs of where everything was placed. However, for the life of me, I couldn't remember what Andy's business was called. I knew it was a magazine business but other than that, I was screwed. I could wait here until she came down - if she came down. But I knew I had to submerge myself into the deep end and take it upon myself to figure out where things are, without the help of people.

I entered the lift and pressed for level two, Hoping that this was the level of things. If not, I'm without a doubt screwed. Because if someone gave me directions, I'd probably forget them within a second. I'm just bad at remembering everything. Now, anyway.

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