Sunset Miracles

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Love seems like the inevitable. It seems like we're all waiting for that one person to just come from around the corner. However, love isn't like that at all. You have to find your own way first before you decide that love is the best place you want to be. We fall hard at some points our lives and we rise like they're a challenge. Some may see that as a good thing but others may find it a struggle.

     Struggling in life gives us the obstacles to overcome, but that being said, obstacles are the biggest challenge anyone has to face. We ride through so many obstacle courses to get to that one place. But when we get to that one place we struggle once more. We struggle with the thought of being the best and being the only one to feel those hardships. Nevertheless, love and obstacles are sort of the same jurisdiction; they're battles we have to overcome. They're challenges we face in day to day life.

        We think and we draw up plans to do wonders, but we never actually follow through sometimes. We fail at the first hurdle, the biggest challenge of them all. Some make it past, whilst others just give up. But what's the point in failing if you're never going to keep on going? What's the point in even trying if you're just going to give up? Challenging yourself comes with the life you're leading. We challenge ourselves every day to strive to be the best we can. We challenge ourselves with the love we find, with the friendships we make and with the sacrifices we deliver. Challenging yourself is the necessity of being the one true person you are. But why do we run from these challenges? Why do we hide whenever they're granted upon us? It's a bit like a back to front world, we strive to be the best but we run from the challenge.

        Some do great, some do wonders but why be that person who's on the same level as the rest? Why put all that extra work in for to remain the same? We're all different, we all have different lives, and we all have different goals, aspirations. But why do we always run? Is it fear? Is it lack of self-belief? Or do we actually just hate being front and centre? No one really knows that answer to everyone's questions, so why am I trying to answer it? Why am I trying to make the whole world seem like we're all just some kind of aspirational losers? Because we're not. We have the power to do justice in the world. We have the power to make the world a better place, but why do we cower in fear at the least little bit of change? Love is the biggest change we have to bear. It changes from day to day. It changes every minute, every second and that's what life is all about. Love ranges from person to person, it's different from your friends, to your family, to the celebrities you're "in love" with and to your one true love. But why do we run?

     Being in love seems like it's the best thing sometimes but when you're so down and not yourself, it's not the best place to be. Sometimes being in love makes the world go round but other times, it makes you feel worse than you already are. We all want the love of another person, we all want to feel that warmth and compassion but unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way.

      The obstacles of love and change are so dramatically important because they help shape the people we become. They help make us into the better people that we are. Of course, there are some people who become bitter and lonely from the loss of a loved one, but is life any less important if you don't have that one person? It's not. You're still the same person. Maybe a little less full, but you're still the same. Change is good. Change helps you envision a life a little more freely. Change helps your understand the importance those little changes. Nevertheless, why am I sitting saying all this? Why am I sitting here typing this and being lonely in that department? How exactly can I, Niamh Louise Barrow, work all this out when I'm lonely too? I can't. I can observe and I can envision how things would go, but I can't exactly tell you that proper answer. That's something you'd have to find out on your own.

       Being unlucky in love and curvaceous, has its problems on its own. I mean, some people look at me in the street and shout nasty things my way. But that's the thing though, what has my weight got to do with you? What has my size and shape got to do with you? I feel comfortable being my size. Maybe I could do with losing a few pounds but why should I allow the words of others to bring me down? It's horrid and wrong, but that's world we live in right now. As a society, we're responsible for the wellbeing of those around us. We're responsible for the care and generosity the future generations have. Do we really want to be a bad example? But I suppose it's already been compromised. I mean, of course we had murderers and everything else back in the day, but right now it's becoming highly popular and the criminality rate has never been higher. All you see on tv these days is either someone getting wrongly murdered or there's a war happening in front of our eyes.

Sunset Miracles (temp on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن