Operation Mericcup

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Chapter 25

Merida (unusual is the thing now)
I was heading to school, alone. The ball is in two days and no one invited me. Not that I care, it just could be nice if someone invited me...


I reached school and Punzie came running to me screaming. It was more like a squeal. She hugged me still squealing (she nearly left me deaf)
"What happened?"I asked when she let me go
"Flynn invited me to the ball"she said and started squealing again
"What's happening here?"Elsa said arriving with Anna
"Flynn invited me to the ball"Punzie said again and started squealing with Anna. Elsa and I just laughed at them

"I ship you two completely"Anna said smiling brightly
"Ship name"I said
"Flyzel? No sounds horrible"
"Flunzel? Nope"
"Flynnunzel"I said and we squealed

"By the way; Merida, I heard Hiccup was going to invite you"Punzie said and I blushed
"I don't think so, Hiccup it's so like that and I'm so like this"I said
"You know what people say, opposites atract"Elsa said raising her brows
"Whatever"I said and rolled my eyes"I have to head to class"I went away even though I haven't fetch my things for chemistry

*some minutes before*
I was entering the school when someone called my name. I turned round and saw Hiccup and Jack walking towards me

"Aren't you supposed to be inviting Merida to the ball?""I teased him and he blushed
"I came to talk about it, help me"he said
"You got the heartthrob of the school at your side"I said pointing at Jack
"Heartthrob?"Jack asked dumbly but Hiccup and I ignored him
"Tooth had to put Elsa and him together so I don't count with him"Hiccup said rolling his eyes
"OMG! You're going with Elsa?"I said jumping and squealing while Jack turned red like a tomato

"Whatever, will you help me?"Hiccup pleaded
"Okay but I need some time, can I talk about it with Elsa and Anna?"I asked sounding like a professional
"Sure"he said shrugging
"Meet me after school, I'm sure I'll have something by that time"I said turning round and walking away

*real time*
I watched as Merida walked away and when she was far enough that she couldn't hear I told Elsa and Anna what Hiccup asked me. Anna started squealing and Elsa just said 'That's amazing'

"Can you help me?"I asked
"Sure"they said in unison
"Operation Mericcup?"Anna said giggling and put her hand in the center of the three of us
"Operation Mericcup"Elsa said and put her hand over Anna's
"Of course"I said and put my hand over Elsa's. We took our hands away and laughed

We started heading to our different classes. Elsa to music, Anna to history and I went to geography. Ugh! I hate geography...

Elsa (sorry lots of POVs in this chapter)
I was sitting on a desk waiting for Miss Ariel to arrive. While I waited I was writing some ideas for Operation Mericcup. I felt some eyes looking at me. I was right, Jack was beside me peeping on what I was doing
"What are you doing?"I asked giggling
"What are you doing?"he said pointing at her notebook
"It's nothing"I said and closed the notebook
"If 'it's nothing' let me see"he said taking my notebook out of my hands
"I'll tell you but give me the notebook"I said trying to grab the notebook
"Okay"he sighed and gave me the notebook

"Operation Mericcup"I said
"What?"he said dumbly
"Operation-Mericcup, are you deaf?"I said annoyed
"Hey calm down. What's operation Mericcup?"he said grinning
"The operation Anna, Punzie and I are to put Hiccup and Merida together"I said writing again on the notebook

"And what does that has to do with the notebook?"he asked and I groaned
"Ideas, Hiccup will ask Merida to the ball"I with the 'as a matter of a fact' tone
"I know that, really close friends"he said
"So why do you ask?"I said still annoyed

"Why are you angry at me?"he asked
"I'm not angry at you"I said frowning
"Well, you aren't acting nice at all"he said

-flashback (italics:Elsa's thoughts normal:what happened)-
I was five years old. It's one of the little things that I remember from when I was that age. I was with my parents at the park near our old house. I went down the slide and my dad caught me

"You caught me"I said smiling
"Of course, smiling princess"he said lifting me up
"You never forget to smile, right?"Mom said boping my nose
"Never"I said smiling
"That's my girl, always nice to people"Dad said smiling
"Remember Elsa, always be nice no matter if they are being mean to you"Mom said smiling
"Because nice people are the best kind of people"Dad said and put me down
"Okay"I said smiling

We went back home. But those words were in my head my whole life. I always obey that. And when someone says that I'm not being nice to them, I feel useless...
-end of flashback-

"I'm sorry"I said looking down. Jack was about to say something but Miss Ariel entered the class
"Good morning class"she said"I want to remind the ones that are choir that tomorrow it's the first rehearsal and that in two weeks we'll be doing a live show"


It was lunch time, I was with Anna and Punzie. We were talking about Operation Mericcup
"I think it will be super romantic if Hiccup gives Mer her favourite flowers"Anna said
"I think that shouts 'Anna' not 'Merida' we have to do things that Merida likes"I said
"Oh I know! Merida loves those enormous wheels that are the festivals"Punzie said
"The ferris wheel?"I guessed
"Yeah that"Punzie continued"they could go to the festival, that's near here and ge could ask her when they are in the ferris wheel"
"We can ask the ones that work there to stop the wheel when they at the top, and there's when he asks her"Anna suggested
"Yeah! Perfect!"I said and high-fived Anna and Punzie
"We are such good friends"Anna said and flipped her hair like a superstar. Punzie and I laughed at her

*after school*

"Bye, Mer"Punzie said and Anna and I waved at Merida

Hiccup will meet us here after school but he doesn't appear

He finally appeared with Jack by his side. I bit my lip, he'll probably ask about today in the music class
"Did you think about something?"Hiccup asked
"Yeah, tomorrow you'll take Mer to the festival and she'll sure want to go to the ferris wheel"Punzie started
"You'll go with her, and when you're at the top we'll stop the wheel"I continued
"And when you're up there, you'll ask her to the ball. Super romantic! But Merida's style"Anna said smiling

"It's a really good plan, but I'll have to invite to the festival"Hiccup protested
"It's not that difficult, say 'hi Mer, do you want to go to the festival with me?'"Jack said annoyed and we laughed
"And what if she says no?"Hiccup asked
"She won't, we are sure that she likes you"I said
"Thanks, I hope I don't ruin it"Hiccup said and walked to his car. When Jack passed by me he gave me a sly grin and I smiled back


Hi! I know confusing flashback. But then, it will have sense. Just wait... There are many things you don't know about Elsa

Thanks for the 7.92 READS AND 396 VOTES!! You guys are amazing

Mericcup chapter!! Yay!! Next chapter; Hiccup asks Merida (duh!) and more unexpected POVs!!

That's all folks!
Keep reading📚beware of the ghosts👻eat good cookies🍪

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