Chapter 5: Flashbacks

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He then turned to me, and I saw him give me a half smile. My heart skipped a beat at this, but I tried ignoring this. He was just being friendly. No need to plan the wedding.

"Kissed by an Angel? Good choice." He complimented, and my jaw dropped slightly. I had to admit, I was surprised he read it...he didn't look like somebody who read. He looked popular.

"You've read it?" I turned to him with one eyebrows raised, and I finally got a good look at him face and melted. He was more handsome than what I saw from the side. He had sparkling emerald green eyes, with little specks of yellow around the pupils. His eyes screamed sex, and trust me...I wanted it. He also had full pink lips were I just wanted to kiss.

He laughed at my remarked, and my heart sped up. Even his laugh was sexy. Shit! Snap out of it Chloe. You just met the guy! You don't even know his name.

"Yeah, a few times actually. My sister used to read it to me to help me sleep." He laughed, and I just looked at him. What he calling the book boring?

"It's that boring it puts you to sleep? Yeah...alright." I blew him off. I knew his type. He couldn't read to save his life, and he was nice to girls like me so he could dazzle us into doing his school work for him. Yeah...not happening.

"No, that's not what I meant! I just...ugh. I meant reading before bed helps me relax." He explained, and I was hesitant. I couldn't read him. He held a a good poker face, but mine was better.

"It's fine. It's not like I wrote the book. The only person you have yourself to explain to is the author." I was a little bitchy, but I just didn't feel like getting my heart broken. He was going to hang out for me for a while, and then once he gets what he wants...BAM. I'm easy, and heartbroken. I couldn't take that chance.

"You don't like me, do you?" He asked, and I just chuckled. Didn't like him? At this point, not liking him was an upgrade.

"Gee, you catch on fast." I mumbled, and I saw his fists clench out of the corner of my eye. His smiled faded, and I just sat there staring at him.

"But you don't even know me." He said harshly, and I snorted. I knew exactly who he was.

"I know your type. You prey on girls like me, and once you get what you want you leave. I'm sorry, but i'm not going to be another one of your flings." I gritted, and his mouth dropped. I could tell I had hurt his feelings, but I didn't care. He was nothing to me accept an acquaintance.

"Is that what you think of me?" He whispered, shocked at what I thought of him. I just sat there, and nodded softly. I saw his teeth clench, and he leaned back in his chair looking off. I heard him take a deep breath before turning back to me sharply.

"Well I know your type. You're a shy, innocent girl who's afraid of her own shadow because she'd rather make accusations than actually take the time to know somebody first. I'm nothing like what you just described. You DO NOT know me, so don't act like you do." He snapped, and I just sat there in shock. He was right. I had assumed the worse, and that was wrong of me. I should give him a chance before assuming things.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I whispered, and he left out the breath he was holding. He looked me straight in the eyes, and his expression softened. He looked back at his hands, and said nothing. So I did.

"Can we just start over?" I asked, and he looked at me through his lashes. He stayed silence, and I sighed. He didn't want to talk, and I understood. I had hurt his feelings.

I sighed, and went back to reading my book. If he didn't want to talk, I wasn't going to force him.

"Harry." He whispered, and I paused from reading. Hairy?

Sex, Lies and Heartbreak (Harry Styles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon