Chapter 20- Transformed

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The bow turned to a masamune sword as I wanted to.

I swing it at Talia and expectedly, she blocks it her own katana.

Our eyes met. She with her questioning and sad eyes with my rage filled one.


"I'm sorry, but it's done. I was never a fan of you guys. Too bloodthirsty."

I hear Nyssa and Jessie charge to Oliver and Barry.

We slash at each other, Talia (of course) parrying all of them.


I look at the fallen Oliver and panic. If Oliver is hurt, it is time to retreat.

Black Sword stops firing arrows from her crossbow and grabs her armlet (you know, instead of a bracelet on your wrist, it's on your upper arm) and in one smooth motion, it turns to the same black sword with energy radiating from it.

Since it happens so fast (even for me), I take a deep slash across my arm.

I scream.

Third person

Julie turns her head. "BARRY!!" She shouts.

Sensing it as an opportunity, Talia seized Julie's arms and pins it behind her back. Julie screams in pain halfway but it broke off with Talia's arm around her neck, so she [Julie] is gasping for air. "Bar...ugk...ry...." She gasps.

Julie thrashes around as Jessie walks to her and places her hand on Julie's temples very gently.

Julie screams and struggles. Barry could only watch helplessly because Nyssa pins him down.

Barry watches in shock as Julie's gentle brown eyes turns black and then consumes her eyes completely, the black pupils devouring the "whites" of her eyes.

Talia lets go of Julie and Julie collapses to the ground.

"Julie!!!!!" Barry screams as Nyssa releases him and reaches for her.


I run to Julie's side, and gather her in my arms. "Julie?" I ask frantically. "Jules are you there? JULIETTE JACKSON TALK TO ME."

But all I am doing is talking to emptiness. "Julie?" I call for her, tears falling down on her face.

I bury my face on her neck and cry. I am too much in a mess to even think twice about what I am doing.

I feel something touching my chest softly. Before I can react, I am thrown off a few metres and then...

I feel a pain I never felt before. It feels like...

My being is ripping itself apart.

I look up to see Julie standing up, her back towards me.

"Julie?" I groan.

Her head lifts up slightly and she turns around. As she does that, black lightning emits from her hands.

But that wasn't even the most surprising thing.

It's just...

Her eyes.

It's black. Completely. No whites.

"Julie?" I call.

"It's Julia." Talia says, suddenly appearing behind Julie. Well...not really. She has been behind her all along. I just never took notice of her.

"Julia al Ghul."

I muster all of my remaining energy and use my speed to grab Oliver and speed to STAR Labs.

Secrets (A Barry Allen/The Flash Fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now