Akashi x Reader 'just friends'

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"Hmm, I'll say chocolate fudge cake, with vanilla icecream and sliced strawberries" Akashi gave a hint of a smile, your heat beat loudly in your chest. This boy was perfect.
"Well, say something!?"-save for his short temper. Again he unconsciously made you give out a little laugh.

"Maybe the ice cream will cool your hothead" you ruffled his hair, feigning for your hand to be burnt.

"Horrible woman." Akashi said though he huffed a chuckle with a faint smile.

Akashi got his own strawberry cream cake which you also suddenly wanted, you could just ask him for a bit... But it would be better if he fed you it like they did in the dramas.

As if reading your thoughts Akashi raised his fork with a piece of cake on it.
"Just take it" he droned. You were filled with happiness and took the bite with a smile.

"Yum! I'm getting this next time, want some of mine?"

"We are in public" he said, sounding like he was telling you off.

"All for me then mwahaha" you put on a front. You didn't like the fact that you and Akashi were 'just friends'.
The day turned to night and it was time to head home, you walked the streets by yourself, thinking about the day. 'Oh I'm in trouble if I fall for him anymore.' You thought to yourself, it was already neon that you were able to control yourself infront of him, as you had done many-a-time before. But now... It was too much. You looked up to the twinkling stars in the sky, one falling.

"I love Akashi seijuro... I wish to be his one day" you wished clenching your shirt above your heart with your eyes closed tightly. If only that wish came true.

Once school started again the next day you were strolling down the halls of rakuzan listening to your music on full, failing to notice a certain red heads call.

"(Name)!" He roared once you entered the supply room.

"Whaaaat?" You droned, Akashi stormed over pulling your earphones out of your ears.
"Oh. My. God. You did not just to that!" You complained to him.

"Listen to me when I'm calling you!" He waved them infront of your face.

"Well what do you need, princess?" You asked him. He hated it when you called him stuff like that but it's his fault for dressing up like one in the third grade.

"I'm here now I'll do it myself" Akashi took a step towards you, reaching up to the top shelf and getting a hand full of printing paper. Your face flustered as many things entered your mind. 'Akashi+ me+supply closet+his heat=!:)@#%' you let your palms push away Akashi torso from your body.

"Too close for comfort there bub" you said in a nonchalant tone. Avoiding eye contact at all cost.

Akashi saw sight of your flustered expression, making him want to see more he stayed close to you, deciding to tease you a little.

"What's wrong (Name)? You look a little red in the face" he purred, bending down a little to face you directly.

Bad decision. Your flustered expression was too much for Akashi to deal with so suddenly. He didn't imagine you could muster up such an expression. He was surely in trouble if this reaction carried on, though h couldn't help but want to touch you more.

You felt his cold hand on the back of your neck putt your head a little forward to touch your foreheads together. You stared at him silently, you could hear your heavy breathing mixing with Akashi's mellow breaths.

"No fever, you're lucky. You could have missed music practice if you were sick" Akashi said slowly, his eyes looking into yours a little longer.

He suddenly snapped back to reality. Leaving your proximity and out the door.

Kiseki no sedai x Reader (kuroko no basuke) open requests!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin