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I honestly hate this chapter more than Brussels sprouts so.......



I take my keys out of the ignition and sit in my car for a few moments collecting myself.

I pull out my phone and check my messages. 13 New Messages and 4 Missed Calls. I had a missed call from my mum and my brother and two from Michael's mum. Most of my text messages were either from Destinee or Ashley; Wondering where I was and when I would be back. The usual. The messages from my brother and my mum told me they wouldn't be home until early tomorrow morning. Why they didn't ask me to go to wherever they are is beyond me.

One message in particular caught my attention. From Luke.

'Where the hell were you today? You can't just not show up to our first band practice and expect me to be alright! If you were anywhere near HIM I swear to God I will kill him! We've been dating one day, ONE FUCKING DAY ALANA! And you don't have the decency to tell your own boyfriend where you went. Well good fucking going Alana, I'm pissed. So have fun wherever the hell you are.
No need to tell me cos I didn't see this relationship lasting anyways.'

It was there, in my car in front of my friends house where I let my tears roll freely. I don't know how long I had been crying but I was too busy not caring.

My head was spinning; thoughts of the asshole who I only talked to cos I was forced to, just made me cry. Again

It's different when you thought he was a completely different person. When you've shared kisses with him, slept with him, whether it was an accident or not. It's hurts more when you thought something was finally going good in your life and then leaves.

Yeah Luke used to bully me and that hurt. But this pain was different.

After a while of sulking over the hot asshole who just broke up with me, I bring myself up to Ashley's door, where Destinee answers.

"Finally, it took you long enough!" She playfully jokes.

I groan "I really don't wanna hear it right now Des."

I guess she waited until now to get a good look at me. Because as soon as she sees my disheveled appearance, her face falls. She grabs my hand and pulls me further into the house.


Ashley bolts down the hallway with a box of tissues, throws them at Destinee who readily catches them, and runs straight to the kitchen.

I can't help but love my bestfriends who are so protective over me.

Ashley returns moments later with a tub of ice cream, three spoons and a bunch of chick flicks.

Gotta love 'em.

"Oh honey, tell us everything." Destinee says as we settle down in the living room.

I thought I was done crying for the night but just thinking about how stupid I am for trusting my heart makes me sob all over again. In an instant I'm pulled into a warm embrace by Ashley as Destinee pats my head and hands me the box of tissues.

"Thanks." I uneasily say. "I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH." Then we all burst into a fit of tears feeling each others pain.

"He- he dumped me."

"Do I need to stab someone? I'll stab someone! Tell me who to stab I'll stab them!" Destinee says grabbing her spoon and holding it as if it were a knife.

I can't help but slightly laugh at her.

"No you can't stab anyone Destinee, that's illegal." Ashley obviously states. "What I don't understand is why? You guys were so cute together!"

"Well I guess when I thought he was different, he turned out to be who he always has been. A dick." Destinee says after she has calmed down about the whole stabbing thing.

"I mean Ashton and I both thought he had changed and you guys were so good for each other." Ashley says as she gets up to put a movie on.

"Well he got pissed because I didn't tell him where I was and broke up with me. I swear he has anger issues or something." I say still not wanting to believe how stupid I was.

"Then is he really worth the tears, boo? Cos the way I see it, it's his loss." Destinee says. She pulls a blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over the two of us.

"I agree with Des on this one. Who needs him? You should just move on. It wasn't a serious thing anyways. I'm gonna make some popcorn I'll be back."

Maybe they were right. It was just a fling. I was one of many girls who Luke had been with. I should just get over him.

Michael was right, I did deserve someone better than Luke.

I just wish I could have realised it sooner.

I have to make things right.


Not very exciting.

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I love to hear your feedback so I can make it better.


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