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The walk with Luke was....nice. He seems like a cool guy, or so I thought... he is still a jerk.

Now I'm walking home at 8 o'clock at night, because I was stupid enough to think Luke was sensible. The wind was whipping my hair around messing it up even more than it already was.

After the walk with Luke the beast himself, I grabbed my things and asked if he could give me a ride and he just sat down at his computer desk, smirked and said,

"Nah I'm good. I have more important people to deal with right now."

All the while sipping on a beer.

I wish I could slap that stupid smirk off his face. He makes me so damn mad.

So... To think Luke was nice was an idiot move of me. Luckily for me, the school parking lot was only a thirty minute walk from his house and before I knew it I ended up at my car.

I put the keys in the ignition and sat in the parking lot. I scream out in frustration and bang my hands on the steering wheel.

You can't cry Alana get your shit together.... You can't cry.... Stop.

Why do I trust my stupid heart? Why do I think people are good and then they come back and cut me down.

For a second, I thought he was different but then he makes me walk home in the middle of the night.

Apparently I'm not as important as his precious computer.

Maybe I shouldn't be upset that I had to walk; strangely enough...I am.

I'm thrown out of my thoughts when a single tear lands on my phone which was lit up.

I had a twitter notification from @catchinsanity....

@catchinsanity: hey sorry we haven't talked all day. I was in hell then I had to hang out with a total loser.

@flyaway: it's okay, what makes this person a loser?

@catchinsanity: idk, she just is. Everyone else says she is so I say she is.

@flyaway: sounds like what people say about me.

@catchinsanity: you are not a loser. I know that for a fact.

@flyaway: you're so nice Robert. I wish I had someone like you in my life.

@catchinsanity: Same! Can we meet up sometime?

@flyaway: depends, where do you live?

I'm in Sydney, Australia

@catchinsanity: ME TOO! How about meeting at Mel's Café?

@flyaway: I will totally be there but I'm gonna be busy for a while, how about in three weeks?

@catchinsanity: I'm holding you to it Lana.

~ week later~

"Okay how about something like this?" I say. I play a few chords on my guitar as Luke sits on the counter in his kitchen eating a bag of Doritos.

I take a deep breath and sing a few lyrics that I had come up with on my own.

"I don't even like you
why'd you wanna
go and make me feel this way-"

"What?" Luke says looking at me. "No."

I sigh this is idea number seven that he has denied.

"Okay fine, Mr. Picky, you start."

'Shift' // L.H.Where stories live. Discover now