[7] Date Night

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Niall went back to the studio early te next day to finish the commercial for their fragrance, between us.

The four boys watched the final take of the video and nodded in approval after they finished recording.

Louis pointed at that one scene where Niall cried into the tube before he bursted into a fit laughter.

"Won't be long before its turned into a reaction picture." Niall said with a small laugh while rubbing the back of his head

"I like it." Liam said once the short video was finished. He nodding along with the rest of the boys. The director clapped his hands together gaining the four lad's attention.

"Good job boys, the video looks good and it would be released today at 5 o'clock." The director said with a small smile, "You're all done fire the day, can't keep you boys here from your busy lives."

"Aha, alright. Video looks great by the way." Harry said sincere while shaking the directors hand.

"A legend you are!" Niall said with a small laugh bumping Harry way so he can shake his hand.

"A good day you have today," Liam said urging the boys out since their security guards told them their ride is ready.

"Thanks again for directing us mate." Louis said quickly before he was dragged out by Liam.

The four boys walked out to find a big crowd of fans. Looks like someone tweeted about their photoshoot and film in this certain studio (the studio's twitter account did.)

They waved and posed for a photos with the fans as well as a few kisses and hugs here and there before they reached their big van and climbed inside.

"So what would you boys like to do for the rest of the day." Louis asked as soon as the doors were closed. He stretched out his limbs so that each boy had a piece of Louis. (lol)

"I don't know, it's not like we have anything important to do for the rest if the day." Liam said with a shrug, not minding Louis foot on his lap. "What do you think we should do Harry?"

"I'm not sure either." Harry said thinking for a while before saying. "How about we all come to my flat and just relax, maybe order out and watch some movies. Maybe we can even do a twitcam, we haven't done one of those in a while."

Louis and Liam nodded then turned their attention to Niall who was smiling fondly down on his phone.

Louis subtly leaned in closer to look at the blond's phone, he was Niall texting Zayn.

Zayn: what do you think I should wear tonight darling???

Zayn: thiss [image]

Zayn: or thisssssss [image]

Niall: they both look gr8 !! but if it were up to me i'll have you naked baby ;)

Zayn: oh so I should take you out like this ;) xxx [image]

Niall blushed at the photo Zayn just sent him. It was a nude of Zayn, he was standing in front of a full length mirror while biting his lip, it was kinda dark in the picture but you can still point out his features. Zayn had one hand holding up his phone and the other hand just barely covering up his manhood. [Wouldn't that be a view huh?]

"Ooo, he does have such a nice body." Louis interjected after observing the photo. Niall quickly locked his phone and turned to the snoopy Louis.

"Louis!" Niall whined while blushing harder.

"What it's true?!" Louis said, Niall just rolled his eyes and nudge Louis hard.

"Did you even hear what we said Ni?" Liam asked to which Niall shook his head, "No sorry, what you guys said?"

"I suggested we go to my house to chill and stuff?" Harry said as Niall shook his head.

"Sorry lads, I've got a date tonight!" Niall said happily.

"Oh, have fun then." Harry said smiling at the blond.

"Yeah, and try not to get spotted. I know you're careful but still." Liam said to which Niall nodded and said, "Yes I know."

"And use protection!" Louis teased to be hit by a blushing Niall who shouted "Shut up!" The boys just laughed at the fluttered Niall.


They stopped by Niall's (and zayn's) house first.

"See you in two days lads." Niall waved goodbye to the boys who waved back until they couldn't see the blond.

Niall walked inside, he knows Zayn is here cause the pictures he took were taken in their room. "Zayn!" he shouted and Zayn immediately walked down the stairs looks fine as always.

"You didn't reply back so I picked the one I think you'd like the best." Zayn said as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well I did say if it were up to me I'll keep you naked." Niall mumbled brushing his lips against Zayn's lips, his pale hands playing with the waistband of Zayn's jeans.

Zayn gave Niall a few kisses then Niall quickly pulled back when the kiss started to get intimate.

"Ah, ah, ah. You're supposed to take me out on a date first before you can get me on your bed." Niall said with a playful smile on his face.

"Our bed." Zayn correcting with a wink before he grabbed Niall's hand and escorted him into their huge garage. "Come baby, I won't get to see you in a while once you're on tour so i want to make today and tomorrow memorable."

Niall smiled when he looked down to his lap, Zayn smiled fondly at his boyfriend who laced their fingers together. Zayn drove to the restaurant he reserve for them tonight, with his security team subtly following them.


Their dinner went beautifully, it was so quite and they could kiss and hold hands without being mobbed since Zayb rented out the whole restaurant for the whole night. He even paid the workers that were working that night to keep their mouth shut.

The two were stuffed but their date didn't end there, Zayn still had a few surprises under his sleeve. He drove Niall to the edge of this cliff that had a perfect view of the city. Everything was so bright and sparkly with the shimmering lights.

"It's so beautiful." Niall said in awe.

"Not as beautiful as the view I'm looking at." Zayn said as he stared at Niall fondly. Niall turned to Zayn the blushed before fondly scolding Zayn.

"Sap." Niall said as Zayn wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Won't people see us?" Niall asked to which Zayn shook his head and responded with, "Of course not, this is probably the most private place here." Then he pointed to the area his bodyguards are (they're a few yards away for privacy) "and plus if anyone does come they gonna have to go through my bodyguards."

Niall nodded put his head on Zayn's shoulder. They stayed liked that enjoying the silence.

"I love you, Zayn." Niall said after a moment of silence.

"I love you Niall." Zayn said then softly kissed Niall.


my boys, My boys, MY boys, MY Boys, MY BOys, MY BOYs, MY BOYS !!!! Zayn is killing me!


Dedicated to: @i_love_zerrie_75

QOTD: Do you speak another language?
My Answer: Spanish and a bit of French :)

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