our own house [canada x reader]

Start from the beginning

your eyes crept this way

into my soul you stared,

and broke down every fear


The first day of first grade. You were frantic, worried you wouldn't make friends, until you met the shy, violet-eyed boy. 

"I'm Matthew Williams." He had told you when you asked his name, his voice soft, barely above a whisper. His eyes seemed to stare through you, as you smiled a little and introduced yourself. 

"[f/n] [l/n]. Do you want to play on the seesaw with me?" And just like that, you were friends. 

You had no idea why that memory came to you now as you walked home from school, passing by his house, but you smiled at it, tears forming in your eyes. 

"[f/n]? I haven't talked to you in ages!" 

". . .Matt?" You looked at him in surprise, tears streaming down your face now. Upon seeing this, he quickly rushed to you, pulling a tissue from his pocket to dab at your damp face. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Matt you don't have to-" He smiled, looking down. 

"Don't worry about it [f/n]."

You stood there, frozen as he then met your eyes. Just as haunting as they had been on that day. Staring right through you, a small smile on his lips. "So. . . Al told you about the treehouse?" You nodded, for fear that if you spoke you would cry once more. "I know you're sorry [f/n]. But, we've moved on. You know what I mean? For a while I thought I could repair it, but it dissolved right before my eyes." He stepped back, twisting the tissue nervously. "And you didn't even notice." Your hands flew to your mouth, fresh tears springing up. 

"I'm- I. . ." You slipped and stumbled over your words, for once speechless. "I'm sorry."

Matthew smiled. 

"I am too. But I suppose we're too far apart now."

With that, he left as quietly as he had come, slipping away like everything else.

wake up to the sun, 

clouds always come undone

you give me the light I need,

like water to a seed


A few days after graduation, you were sitting outside on your porch, watching as cars trickled down the road, just thinking, unraveling your thoughts. A blonde head walking up your driveway caused you to break the trance. 


He said nothing, heather coloured eyes cast down as he handed you a package wrapped in newspaper. 

"They tore it down today." 

You choked on air, though you knew it was coming. A dull feeling spread through your limbs as you thanked him for the package and he trudged down the gravel-spread path. It had hit him just as hard. 

Eager fingers slit the paper, but stopped short when you saw the contents of the package. It was a piece of wood, the very same one from the entrance. The blue paint was faded but still, "Matthew Williams + [f/n] [l/n]'s Treehouse" was still very legible. Running a finger over the peeling, splintered wood, you smiled. 

As you stood to put it away, a sheet of white paper folded into fourths slipped out of the shreds of newspaper. 


I'm not really sure what happened to our friendship. 

I wish it could have stayed. I wish I had forgiven you. I wish a lot of things. 

Most of all I, I wish I could have told you how I felt about you. 

I really like you [f/n], and I wish I could have realised that sooner. 

I'm sorry. 



Your fingers tightened around the note and plank, holding them to your chest. Your breathing was heavy and your throat was dry.

"I'm so sorry, Matt." 

we built our own house, 

own house

with our hands over our hearts

and we swore on that day

that it will never fall apart


ah yes feels just what i needed

wow i've written more in the past 2 days than i have in like the past 2 weeks lmao

xx crescent

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