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Rydel's POV:

I sit on my bed, staring out of the window. I can hear shouting and laughter coming from downstairs, but I ignore it. I know that it's just my brothers and Ellington mucking around. And Kelly. I wish she wasn't here. It's not that I hate her, it's just.. She's always with Ellington. I know that Ell is her boyfriend, but he's also my best friend. I just wish Kelly would acknowledge that and give me some alone time to spend with Ellington. But she doesn't. Maybe she can see how I feel about Ell. But the chance of that is very slim, I mean I don't even know how I feel about Ell.. Sure we're best friends. But lately when I'm with him, which is hardly ever, I have this funny feeling in my stomach. His jokes seem funnier. His hair looks softer. His eyes sparkle more than usual. His dimples look cuter. He...

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. It opens and my mom walks in. " Everyone is downstairs, wondering where you are" she says.
" I'm here." I say, making her chuckle.
She walks over and sits beside me on the bed." What is my baby girl thinking about?" She asks.
" Nothing I was just.." My mom raises her eyebrows at me and I cut off what I was saying. I'm not very good at hiding things from her. Playing with my fingernails I mumble a barely audible, "Ell".
"Are you going to tell me what about Ellington, you were thinking about?" She asks expectantly.
I sigh. " Mom I.. I think I like him."

My mother briefly closes her eyes, massaging her temple with her fingers.
" Rydel honey, as much as I want you to be happy with Ellington, along with the fact that you'd be SO cute together.. I don't think liking him is a good thing. He's your best friend. You're in a band together. He has a girlfriend."

A tear escapes from beneath my eyelids and rolls down my cheek. I let out a shaky breath and wipe it away, but not before my mom sees it.
" Aww sweetie I'm sorry. I know it's hard but I think it will be easier to forget about any feelings you have for Ellington. You don't want to risk ruining R5 or your friendship with him. Besides, I don't want to see you get your heart broken later on."

I know my mom means well but what she is saying is causing me heartbreak right now. Maybe she's right. Maybe I need to forget about liking Ell.
"Thanks mom." I say as she stands up.
As she is about to leave she turns towards me, looking at me sympathetically from the doorway.
" You coming downstairs?"
I shake my head, " If anyone asks I'm sick?" She nods and gives me a toothless smile before closing the door behind her.

Ellington's POV:

I'm worried about Rydel. She's been really quiet and distant lately. Quiet is not her thing. She's normally loud and bubbly and happy. She doesn't seem happy at the moment. It's upsetting me.

Stormie comes downstairs and I immediately leap up from my position on the couch, accidentally bumping Kelly. I mutter an apology and make my way towards Stormie.
" Is Delly alright?" I ask, anxious to know the answer.
" She'll be fine Ellington sweetie, she's just feeling sick." She reassures me.
I go along with her response, however I doubt it is the full truth. Rydel has been fine lately in terms of health. She hasn't looked sick, she's just seemed.. I dunno.. Off??

I turn around and walk slowly towards the couch. Kelly smiles at me and I attempt to mimic it, however it must come off as pathetic, causing her to frown. " What's up Elly?" She asks. I cringe. I hate when she calls me Elly.
" Rydel.. She"
Kelly cuts me off " UGH! Rydel this. Rydel that. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Rydel. It's always about her! I am your girlfriend NOT RYDEL! So why is it always about HER?? Nobody cares about that stupid, pathetic BITCH!" she screams
Anger rushes through my body. I stand up, towering over Kelly.
" HOW DARE YOU? Rydel is my best friend and I care about her more than anything! Don't you dare talk about her like that EVER! ESPECIALLY NOT IN FRONT OF ME!" I shout. By the stunned look on her face, I've successfully gotten my message across.
" Ellington.. I.. I'm" she stutters
" Just leave Kelly." I say and point to the door.
As she reaches the hallway she turns to face me, opening her mouth to speak.
"Go." I say and walk upstairs after she finally closes the door.

Rydel's POV:

Shortly after my mom leaves my room, I hear yelling from the living room below me.
" UGH! Rydel this. Rydel that. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Rydel. It's always about her! I am your girlfriend NOT RYDEL! So why is it always about HER? Nobody cares about that stupid, pathetic BITCH!"

I was already feeling horrible because I was confused about having feelings for Ell. Kelly's rant effects me more than it usually would. A large lump forms in my throat and I feel as if someone has plunged a hot blade into my chest. Kelly's words make my skull pound and my eyes burn, as if they are crying tears of acid rather than salt. Her words echo around my head as I crumble into a ball on top of my blankets. Her words hurt more than anything I've felt before. She's right. I'm stupid and pathetic. Why should anybody care about me? After all Ell chose her as a girlfriend, rather than me.

More shouting comes from the room beneath me, but it is muffled by my uncontrollable sobbing. I hear a door slam and footsteps pounding the staircase. My door flings open, then softly closes as someone enters the room. The person approaching me gently sits on the edge of my bed. I continue to sob into the pillow, with my back to them.
" Rydel?" the person asks quietly, their voice slightly cracking while doing so.
It's Ellington.

I sniffle and roll over, peering up at him through my tear filled eyes. His face softens as he locks eye contact with me, reaching out and placing his hand on my cheek, using his thumb to softly wipe away some tears.
" I heard what she said Ell." I let out a hiccup. He just nods.

I roll onto my side and curl up even further, crying once more. After a while I feel him shifting positions on the bed, so that he is sitting with his back against the wall. His two strong arms wrap around me and he pulls me into his chest. I bury my face in his shirt and continue to weep. He rests his chin on my head and traces circles on my back with his fingers.

Slowly, I begin to calm down and Ell links his hands together behind my back. I wrap my legs around his torso and do the same with my arms, squeezing him tightly.
" Delly?" He asks
" mmmmm?"
" Look at me."
I obey him, leaning back so that he is supporting my weight with his hands still clasped behind my back.
" Don't listen to her, ok?" He murmurs.
I nod, staring up into his eyes.
" She had no right to talk about you that way. Just because she's my girlfriend, does not give her permission to call you those things. You're amazing and I love you. "
My heart flutters. " I love you too Ell" I say. If only he knew that I truly do love him. If only he truly loved me back, in the same way.

Ellington's POV:

We were so close. I could feel her breath each time she exhaled. I got lost in her eyes. I got lost in the moment. As soon as I let out those final three words I froze, for four reasons. One. I told her that I loved her, something we'd never said directly to each other before. Two. She said it back. But she said it so casually, it was obviously not meant in the same way. Ouch. That hurts.Three. I froze because I realised that I have feelings for my best friend. I am in love with Rydel Lynch. Four. I already have a girlfriend.

Authors Note:
Hey everyone!! So this was chapter 1 of my new story. I've been wanting to write a Rydellington fanfic for a while now and all the current feels have inspired me. But I'll still be updating my other story Stronger. Please comment and vote!!

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