Late Night Love Confessions

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Rydel's POV:
I pick up my phone and see that it's 1:37am. I sigh, putting it back down. I'm never going to get to sleep.

Come on Rydel, just go to sleep. Stop thinking about it. It's been four days!

Yeah. It's been four days since I had that conversation with Ell. In fact, it's been four days since I've had a proper conversation with anyone. I've been trapped in my own thoughts. I just keep thinking. Thinking about the fact that I've fallen in love with my best friend. Sure, I've had a crush on him for a while. But falling in love is a whole new thing.

The thought of falling in love with Ell, makes my stomach do backflips. It makes my insides tremble with excitement, but also with fear. Fear that this will change everything. Because it will. Eventually. But for now I am just keeping it to myself. Which is keeping me awake.

After tossing and turning for another twenty minutes I decide that it's no good. I am never going to be able to fall asleep. I slide out of my bunk, careful not to wake anyone. I tiptoe between the bunks and make my way to the fridge, where I pour myself a glass of water. I gulp it down, putting my cup in the sink. I walk into the back of the bus, sitting sideways on the sofa. I pull my knees to my chest and stare out of the big window. I just watch the road moving beneath us as we speed on into the night.
I hear somebody make a noise in the next room. Then the door to this room slides open, revealing a messy haired Ellington. I let out a deep breath, one that I didn't know I was holding in.

Ell walks over to me carrying a large blanket and takes a seat beside me.
"Why on Earth aren't you in bed sleeping?" He asks.
"Because I'm awake." I say bluntly.
He chuckles, patting his lap lightly, motioning for me to lie down. I do so, my head resting on top of his legs. He pushes are strand of my hair behind my ear and whispers, " What's on your mind Del?"
" Everything." I say, trying to hide the goosebumps that his warm breath gives me.
I look up, directly into his eyes. If I could, I would just stare into them forever. Somehow, his eyes urge me to talk.
"You know the other day, how we talked about falling in love?"
He nods slowly.
" Well.. I only asked you about that because.. Well to confirm something."
"What did you confirm Del?"
" That I've fallen in love." I smile softly, my hands fidgeting with the bottom of my pyjama shirt.
" Who?" He asks, so quietly that his question is barely audible.
"I can't say.." I trail off, not sure that 2 o'clock in the morning, on a bus, is the best time to tell Ellington that I'm in love with him, my best friend.

"He's wonderful," I add, "He is the most amazing guy I've ever met. He is kind and gentle. He is sweet and thoughtful. He's funny. He can always make me laugh. He has the most gorgeous eyes. Whenever I'm with him, I get butterflies and feel like I'm filled with electricity. And I love him so much. But.."
My eyes flicker up once more to look at him and I see that Ellington is hanging on to my every word.
"But I can't be in love with him."
Ell takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"Why not?"
"Because if he finds out that I'm in love with him, everything will change. Besides he would never fall in love with me."
I look down, focusing on my toes, but I feel two fingers beneath my chin. Ell gently pulls my face, so that I'm looking at him.
"He'd be stupid not to Del. You're the most amazing girl in the world."
I smile softly as a million little electrical currents buzz around my body, igniting my heart. 

Ellington silently runs his fingers through my hair soothingly, and I let a yawn escape.
"Go to sleep Del. Get some rest." He coos, continuing to comb my hair gently with his fingers, his thumb rubbing small circles on my temple. I allow my eyes to flutter shut, drifting off to sleep in the lap of my best friend, who I'd fallen helplessly in love with.

Ellington's POV:
Although it hurt to hear that Rydel had fallen in love with another guy, I was happy for her. She deserves the world. To be honest, no guy is good enough for her, but I've always secretly hoped that she'd fall in love with me. But I guess not. I just hope that everything works out for her. She must really care about him, because for days she's been deep in thought, off in her own world.

I look down to see that my best friend has fallen asleep in my lap. I think about lying down beside her and falling asleep next to her, but I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable. Besides this sofa is not the best place to sleep. I place an arm under her knees, the other around her back. Standing up slowly, I carry her bridal style through the bus, making my way to her bunk. I lay her down inside, her head resting on her pillow. I grab the blankets from the foot of her bed and slide them up, gently covering her. I push her hair from her eyes.
"Goodnight Delly." I whisper, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, before closing the curtain and hopping into my own bunk.

So I know this chapter was EXTREMELY small, but I needed a filler, before I move on with the plot. Besides you guys deserve faster updates, so at least it's something.. I'm hoping to upload the next chapter later this week as I'm on school holidays at the moment. Anyways, please vote and comment!! Thanks for your support!!

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