First Date

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Rydel's POV

I wake up feeling fresh after a good nights sleep. Now that my family knows about Ellington and I, I am able to relax a bit more. Not entirely though, as the fans don't know and we plan on keeping it like that for a while.

I head down to the kitchen to see my entire family sitting at the dining table.
"Good morning Rydelly!" Ross calls to me, a grin on his face.
"Morning Rossy!" I grin back, messing up his hair on my way past.
"Morning everyone!" I say, addressing the rest of my family as I sit down.
"Did you have a good sleep dear?" my Mom asks, and I nod.
"Of course she did mom, she dreamed about Ratty-boy!" Rocky teases.
I blush furiously and Riker pats my shoulder.
"Don't listen to him Dells." He comforts.
Rocky cracks up laughing and I just roll my eyes, being used to his friendly teasing.
"What do you guys wanna do today?" Ryland asks with his mouth full of food.
My mother slaps him gentle, causing him to close his mouth and swallow his toast.
"Why don't we just chill by the pool?" Ross answers and the rest of us nod. I don't really feel like going anywhere too extravagant.

Once I am finished eating, I help my parents clean the table, while my brothers race upstairs to change. Not long after, I here splashes and laughter coming from the pool. I shake my head at their childishness, filling the sink with hot water. My mom bustles into the kitchen, tying up an apron, and together we start to wash the dishes. I am just finished scrubbing at the third plate, when I hear the doorbell. I see my Dad get up from where he is reading the newspaper, to answer it. I'm reaching up to put away a glass, when two strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Good morning beautiful." Ellington whispers into my ear.
I giggle and turn around to kiss his cheek. My mom lets out an "awww" from her spot at the sink. Ell chuckles, letting go of me to give her a hug.
"Good morning Mama Lynch." He says cheerily, making my mom blush.
I smile at his sweetness, reaching into the sink to wash another cup.

"The boys are in the pool, I'll be out soon." I say and he nods, kissing my hand before exiting the kitchen.
"That boy is a keeper!" My mom squeals with joy and I laugh.
"He sure is mama." I reply, looking out of the window to see him entering the pool area in a pair of Rocky's swim shorts.
"I can tell that you two are in love. It sort of reminds me of your father and I when we were younger."
I blush. That's the biggest compliment anyone could give me. Seriously, my parents are relationship goals!
"Thanks mom. I really do love him."
"I know my sweet."
I finish off drying the dishes, and head upstairs to change.

I put on my green bikini with white polka dots and grab 6 towels from the closet in the hallway. My brothers are not the most responsible and I am positive that none of them thought to take towels outside with them, meaning them dripping all over the house later on. I walk outside, hanging the towels over the pool fence. I take a seat on the edge of the pool, dangling my legs in the water as I watch my brothers and Ellington do flips from the diving board. It doesn't take long before Ellington realises I am here, and he swims towards me. He stands up on a small step, pressing his wet body against mine. I wrap my legs around his torso as he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. We are soon interrupted my all of my brothers making gagging noises from behind us.
"No PDA!" Rocky shouts, splashing us with water as he bomb dives into the pool, right beside us. Ellington leans his forehead against mine.
"Let's get 'em." He whispers and I smirk.
At the same time, Ellington and I launch ourselves off of the side of the pool towards Rocky. Together, we tackle him and dunk him under the water. My other brothers come to his defence, peeling me off of him. I squeal as Riker throws me over his shoulder and starts to swim away.
"Ratliff help meee!" I wriggle around.

He chuckles and swims towards Riker, fighting off Ryland on his way. He dives underwater and pulls my older brother down by his legs. I worm my way out of his tight grip and swim away. I feel somebody swimming underneath me. All of a sudden I rise out of the water. I look down to see that I am sitting on the shoulders of my boyfriend, who is holding onto my legs tightly. I squeal as we wobble around for a bit, however Ellington calls up to me, "It's ok Del. I won't let you fall!", as he steadies himself.
"Oh really?" Riker shouts before sinking to the bottom.
Rocky climbs onto his shoulders and they emerge from the water.
"Revenge!" Rocky yells, as my two brothers charge towards us. They collide with us, sending Rocky and I flying through the air. I scream as I hit the surface, bubbles shooting up my nose. I come up, spluttering and choking, and Ellington immediately wraps his arms around me, holding me on his hip as if I'm a child.
"You alright Dells?" He asks gently.
I nod, bursting into a fit of laughter. Everyone else starts laughing, especially Ross, who laughs so hard that he swallows water. He snorts it back up, causing us to laugh even harder.
"Lunch is ready!" My mom calls out from the kitchen and the boys scramble out of the pool. Ellington and I stay in the water for a while, watching them fight over towels and race to dry themselves. I chuckle as Ryland trips Ross over, as they both try to squeeze through the door at the same time.
"Typical boys." I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Hey! Offensive!" Ellington jokes, and I push his wet hair back, kissing his forehead.
"Yes, but you are an exception Ell."

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