Kiss Me

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Rydel's POV:

Our intro song was playing in the background as we headed from our dressing rooms to backstage. Me, my brothers and Ellington form a huddle, placing our hands in the middle. Ell's hand is on top of mine and I swear he can feel my hand tingling with electricity, a result of his skin touching mine.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ready Set Rock!" We scream our famous chant and take our positions on the stage. The crowd goes wild instantly, so loud I can hear their screams through my in-ears. I can feel their energy pulsing through my body.
As we play 'Pass Me By' I look over at Ellington. To be honest he looks so hot at the moment. The way his floppy hair falls in front of his eyes. The way he is going all out, smashing away every beat. Every time that his drum stick hits the drum, the muscles in his arms bulge, showing off his toned body. He looks up at me briefly as the song finishes, flashing me a big grin. I smile back, adrenaline starting to flow freely around my body.

I continue to sneak glances at him throughout the show, quickly looking away when he catches me staring. The chords to 'Love Me Like That' start and I grab my microphone off of its stand. I strut across the stage as I belt out the lyrics, feeling more confident than ever.  Half way during the song I turn to face Ell and begin singing to him. He grins and goes extra crazy on the drums, causing the crowd to go wild. Even through my in-ears I can hear the few shouts of 'Rydellington!'. I smile, walking over to Riker and we rock out together. The song finally finishes and I take a put one hand in the air, "Thankyou!" I shout, as the crowd screams even louder. As my brothers get a drink, I see a guy holding a sign that says 'It's her birthday' with an arrow that points to the girl beside him. I make eye contact with her and mouth 'Happy Birthday'. She smiles so big and I watch her turn to the guy, kissing him on the lips. A brief pang of jealousy shoots through me as I wish that I could kiss somebody like that.

I have only just forgotten the birthday girl kissing her boyfriend, when Cali Girls starts. I watch as Riker points to a random fan, motioning her to the stage. He bends over, kissing her, before returning to his spot behind the mic. Once again I feel slightly jealous, wishing more than ever to have my first kiss. As the show continues, the level of energy from the crowd continues to grow, creating an incredibly overwhelming atmosphere. By the end of the show, after multiple glances at Ellington, I decide I just can't stand it anymore. We thank the crowd, giving away guitar picks and the setlist. Once the lights turn on, I follow Rocky off the stage. I give all my brothers high fives, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. I turn to Ellington, and raise my hand for a high five, but instantly lower it. I feel my brothers eyes burning into me as they watch the two of us. But I am too hyped from the show to care. I gulp and Ell stares at me, slightly confused. "Kiss me." I state firmly, stepping towards him.
His eyes go big, "What?" He shout-whispers.
"Kiss me?" I say, less confident now as the room falls quiet.
My brothers start to laugh.
"Good one guys!" Ross chuckles, slapping us both in the backs.
"Haha yeah," says Ell, "good one Delly!" Ouch.
"Hey! She was cute!" Says Riker and it clicks. My brothers think I'm messing around, making fun of Riker kissing the fan.

Ryland enters the room and my brothers head over to him, still laughing. When they are out of hearing range, Ellington steps closer to me, placing a hand gently on my arm. Is this it? Am I finally going to have my first kiss?
"Listen Del," he says softly , breaking the silence, "If I ever did kiss you, it wouldn't be in front of everyone, especially not your brothers."
"Oh. Yeah. Right. Of Course." I say, walking away so that he doesn't see the tears in my eyes. He tried to reject me gently. Because he cares about me. As a friend. We will only ever be friends.

I can feel my heart breaking into a million pieces, then those pieces cut the inside on my body. Then I try to pull them out, cutting my fingers in the process. I grab my things from the dressing room and run to the bus. At least nobody is here yet. I go straight to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I peel off my sweaty clothes and slide down the wall, letting the hot water beat down on my shaking body. I let out a choked sob. I sit in the shower, too weak to stand. I scrub my body until it is red raw and allow the water to sooth it. Once I feel numb, both inside and out, I turn off the tap. I dress into my pyjamas and run my fingers through my hair. I open the door, about to head to my bunk when I feel a wave of nausea. I lean over the sink shaking, tears streaming down my face.I vomit.
"Del?" A voice comes from the doorway. Oh god. It's him.
"Del are you ok?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I say, my voice cracking as I try to stop the tears.
"I know you're not." He says gently, taking a step towards me and reaching out to pull back my hair.
"Just go away Ellington!" I cry.
He leaves.

When he is gone, I sob even harder. So hard that I struggle to breath. I vomit again.

Tonight I risked everything. And tonight I lost everything. I almost didn't. He still cared about me. As a friend. He was going to take care of me. And now he probably hates me. But I don't hate him. I love him.

I know it's short but I wanted what happens next to be in it's own chapter. Please keep giving me feedback, I appreciate it. Love you all Xx

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