The star Maidens Curse Chapter 9 - Your True Destiny

Start from the beginning

"You believe his heart is yours, but it's not. There's another he seeks."

She came towards me and guided me toward the daybed. I sat and stared at the floor, weary and discouraged beyond words.

"Tilly, you may not realise it now, but someone other than Donte is meant for you. You don't see it now because you think you've found true love, but it's merely fleeting, and, in the end, you'll come to understand this."

She tenderly stroked my cheek, and I found myself looking into her eyes again.

"In life and in the universe, there's order to everything in existence. Don't question why, for you'll never fully understand the intricacies of it and pondering them too much will send you insane. Just know that it's a reality that has existed since the dawn of time. Everything has its place, and every problem has a solution. You're from a world that has yet to understand this truth."

"I've found my other half in Donte," I said with a frown, looking away from her. "Isn't that enough for me? I felt whole until the brothers appeared, took me away from everything I knew and loved, and left me terrified for my life."

"I'm happy that you see the world in its true beauty and your desire to love," Seraphina said, turning my face toward her. "Many in both our worlds don't recognise this anymore. You must believe me when I tell you, Donte isn't the one for you."

She took my hand, her eyes focused on my scars. Her gaze was much less judgemental than that of the brothers as she looked at them, and I felt no need to try to hide them from her probing eyes.

"In life, we are shown kindness, but this should never be mistaken for love."

"You think he showed me kindness because of my scars? That he did so out of pity?"

Seraphina's eyes betrayed sympathy, and I shook my head.

"Say what you please, Seraphina, but you barely know Donte or me."

"Your feelings will fade. You won't need to hear these words from me. The time will come soon enough when you'll learn this truth for yourself."

"He's probably frantic with worry by now," I said.

"Tilly, there's something more important I must tell you. What I'm about to say may be difficult for you to comprehend, but what would you do if an entire world depended on your decisions?"

The way she jumped from one subject to another was a little disconcerting, and it took me a while to really comprehend what she was asking me, An entire world. What did that mean?

"I... never really thought about it. I suppose I'd try to make the best possible decisions, but I'd need help. I wouldn't want such responsibility. That is what government is for. Why do you ask?"

"Because you must make a decision Tilly, A decision that could change the entire fate of the world. You know what I'm talking about. You must choose one of the brothers, for this is your true destiny. However, the brothers cannot make that decision; because their desire for you blinds them. You've already seen what's happened after only a day in your company. They can hardly be blamed, of course, You're beautiful and have a pure soul, but only one can be with you – the one who you claim."

Again, I thought of Cillian and the connection I felt with him I felt nothing but disdain for Torin, and for Fionn, I felt only fear.

Seraphina looked into my eyes. "Have you decided?"

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