Chapter 15

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Annabeth was right. Nico did find his own way home. I watched him split up from the group, walk straight into a tree and then disappear, the shadows swallowing him up.

I resisted the urge to plug my headphones in and listen to Imagine Dragons. Walt looked at me fiddling with my iPod and immediately snatched it away.

"Hey!" I slapped him on the arm.

"Just going to keep it safe for you, Sadie. Relax." he said.

I scowled at him and continued following Annabeth. After about 15 minutes, we arrived at an apartment complex. We took the elevator up to floor 27 and arrived at a hallway with six doors. Annabeth led us to a grey door, on the side of the hallway that had only two doors. I'm guessing the girls were on that side, and the boys were on the other.

When she opened the door, I was shocked. The apartment was huge, with a massive kitchen, balcony, TV, and that was just at a first glance! I turned around and noticed Nico walk out of the apartment with the black door. He walked into Annabeth's and started making his way to the back of the apartment. Annabeth started heading that way, so we all followed. The door at the end of the hall opened to a massive room, filled with weapons and dummies. I noticed at least 20 different kinds of knives and 10 different swords.

"Woops. Wrong room. Sorry." Nico muttered, closing the door to the weapons room.

He opened the door next to it, which revealed a library that was massive. It had to have been magically enchanted, because there was no way it was fitting in this apartment. It was at least the same size as the apartment itself!

Annabeth led us to a seating area that had 4 large couches, all facing a large coffee table. Annabeth, Percy and Leo sat on one couch, Jason and Piper sat on another couch, Nico took his own couch, and Walt, Zia, Carter and I took the last couch. Each of these couches could fit at lest 6 people each, so we had a ton of extra room.

"So, demigods, we were brought to this high school to not only give us a break, but to also investigate the strange magic going on in Brooklyn. I think we have now successfully found our strange magic. Sadie, if you would care to explain." Annabeth said.

"Right. So, we, Carter, Zia, Walt and I, are magicians from the House of Life. Basically, our jobs are to destroy the Egyptian monsters, and keep the Egyptian gods in check. Before a couple years ago, all the gods were banished from this Earth, imprisoned, but we helped set them free, since they were needed in a war against Apophis, the giant Chaos Snake. We have many nomes around the world, but I am to busy and don't care enough to remember how many. We also host Gods, like, well all of us, but sometimes we combine and the walk the Earth as one, like Walt over here. I'll explain more about us later. But you basically become the eye of the God or Goddess and you use some of their power." I explained.

When I finished, Percy's jaw dropped and a loud BANG could be heard from behind a door in the library.

"Back to blowing up toilets, are we?" Leo asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Percy waved his hand the water that was seeping under the-I guess-bathroom door dissipated and the carpet dried. I looked wide-eyed at Percy, amazed at how he could control water.

"Guys, we should explain demigods. I think my water powers are going to make their heads blow up!" Percy said.

"Ok, so us demigods are children of Olympian Gods, either Greek or Roman, and a mortal. We have two camps, one in New York, and one in Berkeley. The one in New York is called Camp Half-Blood, and it's for Greek demigods. The one in Berkeley is called Camp Jupiter and is for Roman demigods. Our politics, training, and style of the camps is quite different. The Roman camp is called the Twelfth Legion, and they're all about discipline and honour. They have five cohorts, and each cohort has centurions. The two top positions are the praetors, who are friends of ours. Basically, the praetors are in charge, lead the camp, make decisions and such. In Camp Half-Blood, we are divided by our godly parent. Each Godly parent has its own cabin, and each cabin has a different number of people. We are more laid back, and the people in charge are our camp director, Mr. D. and our activities director Chiron. We kind of just train and do as we please. I'm a child of Athena, Piper's a daughter of Aphrodite, Leo's a son of Hephaestus, Nico's a son of Hades, Jason's a son of Jupiter and Percy's a son of Poseidon. You usually get some form of power from your parent. I am going to say a person, their power, and that person will demonstrate. 1st, Piper has this thing called charmspeak."

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