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Back in the woods the whole family regrouped. "I can't believe you Branda," Ash yelled, "of all people, Damon, "Victor said, all the others were quiet, even their parents. Richard and Katelyn didn't say a word to her. Finally Katelyn strode towards Branda.

 "My beautiful daughter," she said quietly. "Why do you choose this devilish man."

 "Do you know what you've done to your brother?"

 Branda looked at her mom, "I love Him and I don't care what anyone says," Branda said in a dead voice.

"Love him?" Vladamire chuckled darkly, his face becoming paler. "He doesn't love you." He screeched at her. "He doesn't want you. He's using you, just like he used Melissa, your his stupid little pet. Don't you get it?!"

 Branda stood up face to face with her brother.

 "I don't care about what you have to say anymore, Vlad, cause your wrong." She snarled at him. Vlad didn't back down. He stared deep within his sister's eyes and snarled even louder. It sent shivers through everyone's bones.

 "NO...YOU... ARE...THE...ONE...THAT'S...WRONG." His eyes blazed, everyone feared him now. Branda was speechless. Vlad walked away from his family.

 Did he just lose his sister? Vlad asked his-self.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 BANG! BOOM! BANG! "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!" Victoria screamed. She had that same dream, where she was running from something or someone?

 She got up, expecting her mother to be home, but she probably got held up in traffic or something. She ran downstairs, she just wanted to get out of her room.

 It was about 7:30 and it was a little dark, but it didn't matter. She grabbed her sandals, while still in her short dress and headed outside. She walked and walked then she made a turn into the woods. She walked deep into it.

 She heard a branch break and stopped in her tracks. She looked around, "Hello?", her voice was shaky. "Hello?", she said loudly. She blew out a breath and said, "It was just a branch."

 She quickened her pace. Something broke again. She looked back, but when she turned around a handsome guy stood in front of her. She quickly backed away.

"Who are you?" She asked firmly. "Where did you come from?"

 He answered, "I am new here..."

 "Oh," she said, "cool, well I gotta go now, nice meeting you." She stepped aside, but he stepped in front of her. "Umm, excuse me," she murmured.

 "Your not going anywhere." He said quietly.

 "Yes I am," she cried. He grabbed her, she shoved him hard, but he was stronger. She managed to scream, "SOMEONE HELP ME!!! HELP!!!!" She pushed him and fell, but quickly got back up again. She ran screaming, she was too deep into the woods. "HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!", she screeched. She looked back and didn't see him, but as she turned back and looked up she ran right into him.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

 Being in the woods was always Vladamire's favorite place to be, but while running he heard a cry deep in the woods. He stopped immediately. He heard the sound of a heart beating so fast and a breath so beautiful, quickening. 'She was crying' he thought instantly. He rushed , following the fast paced pants not thinking at the previous moment.

 When he reached the sound he found Damon grippingthe girl roughly. Vladamire thought fast, he couldn't risk letting the girl see what he was exactly, so he picked her up and put her behind a bush. "Whatever you do,don't look up," he whispered to her. She nodded. He turned towards Damon.

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