chapter twenty eight

ابدأ من البداية

Everyone filled the hall and the Headteacher came on to the stage and he sat on the edge, his feet dangling off. "Good morning everyone." He said and we said it back. "I've asked you here today to tell you all I am retiring. I leave at the end of the year."

Lots of students booed and started to talk and I turned to Calum and Michael and they were confused. "What?" I asked.

"He's not old enough to retire." Calum whispered. "He's only fifty two, he's friends with my dad."

"Then why did he say that?" I asked and he shrugged. "Is he being forced in to it or?"

"After the year is up, a new head will take over. In fact he is my son." He said and then I noticed the younger man by the side of the stage near the doors to the hall. He was hot as fuck. "I expect you to all respect him and life here at Whitmore will continue as normal, until if or when he decides to make some changes."

That meant the end of the assembly and then he said something that made me stiffen. "Can the cheer squad stay behind for five minutes please?"

Everyone began to leave and I stayed seated until it was half empty and I saw Nathan, and sat with him. He smiled at me, "You okay?" I nodded and he grinned, "Good."

When it was just us, I saw Kim and she told everyone to sit on the stage and I jumped up, my feet dangling down. Kim stood in front of everyone and smiled a little, "So I have decided that Luke isn't on the team anymore." She said and I frowned. It was expected though. "You understand don't you?" She asked and I nodded. "We'll be holding try outs also as Chloe isn't able to walk for a little while too. We want to expand our team and get bigger for better stunts and to be the best. We want to excel for next years competition."

Then she turned to Angie at the end, "Can you bring them in now?" She asked and Angie stood up going in to a room across the hall and I watched as she came out with a large bouquet of flowers. Angie handed them to Kim and Kim walked up to me. "You're a very brave person to have even attempted to do what you did and I am so sorry that I asked you to, I'm taking the blame so if Ashton wants to scream at anyone he can scream at me." She said and kissed my forehead before handing me the flowers. They were pretty pinks and purples and whites and I thanked her quietly, accepting the card also.

The head teacher was still here, standing off to the side and he came forward after a minute and he gave me a smile. "Your mother called and said what happened and we're willing to pay for therapy as we know it's not an easy thing to happen to someone, especially since you're only seventeen."

I nodded, "Thank you, but I don't think I'll need it." I shrugged. "I have Ashton to help."

"Ashton is still just a kid, he can't help." He said, "You need something professional."

I only sighed and nodded, "Can I think about it?" He nodded and I thanked him quietly.

"Would you like me to look after these flowers for you?" He asked and I nodded again, handing them to him, keeping the card.

We all separated to our classes and I went to History, the class already starting so I quickly walked to my seat and got out my stuff. I got to work and when we had to do a worksheet I opened the card and it was signed by everyone in the team.

I read them all and Nathan had written a lengthy bit in the corner and I read it, my eyes watering a little at all of them. I heard footsteps and then Mr Thompson was standing in front of me. "Are you okay?" He asked, bending down so he was at my height as I was sat down.

I nodded wiping my eyes, "Yeah, just got a card." I said.

Mr Thompson looked at it, "May I?"

I nodded and he looked at the card reading some of it while I wiped my eyes, minding my make up, thankfully my mascara was waterproof. He stopped reading before handing it back to me and I put it in my bag. "Do you want to go outside for a moment?"

Pretty Prince ⇝ Lashton [2] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن