Chapter 18

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A.N/ Hey guyss! Short chapter today.

Not proof read

Chapter 18

The next day Luke and I were at my house. Mom was simply estatic about the news of our engagement. Mathew was being a good brother and grilling Luke on how he'll treat me, threatening him, etc. Typical big bro stuff.

"I just can't believe it! My baby's getting married!" Mom said.

I laughed.

"Mathew needs to hurry up and marry Taylor already. They've not left each others sides since they met." Mom said.

I chuckled and nodded my head and took a sip of my lemonade.

A few minutes later Luke and Matt walked into the room.

"Done threatening my fiance?" I asked.

Matnew nodded. A proud smile on his face. "For now." He said.

Luke sat down next to me and intertwined his fingers with mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"So have you two picked a day yet?" Mom asked.

"Mom, it was only last night he proposed. We haven't figured anything out yet." I said.

Luke brought my hand upto his lips and kissed it softly. "We were thinking maybe a summer wedding." He said.

Mom bounced up and down on the couch. "Oooooo! I'm so excited!" She squealed.

We all laughed. Mom was so happy right now.

Knock knock knock!

Mathew got up to answer the door.

"Hey honey!" I heard him say.

Must be Taylor. Taylor and Matt came in hand in hand.

"Hello, dear!" Mom greeted Taylor.

"Hi Rachel!" Taylor said happily. Taylor's been such a happy person since she found my brother.

"Taylor! Did you hear?" I asked.

Taylor sat on Matts lap and gave me a strange look. "Hear what?"

I held out my hand to reveal my ring.

She looked and squealed. "Oh my gosh! CONGRATUATIONS!!!!" She shouted. She jumped up and ran to hug me. She squealed happily. I hugged her back and let out a little squeal of my own. I'm so glad everyone is as excited as I am. Taylor went back to sit on Matts lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned her head on him.

"Now you two are cute." I said to them. Mathew blushed.

"Awwww Matts blushing." Luke cooed.

"Shut up..." Matt said trying to hide his face.

Taylor smiled and kissed his cheek.

Luke grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I looked over at him and smiled lovingly.

After a long chat, Mom told us she was planning on catching up with some friends today so she left.

"Matt and I are going to see a movie. You kids have fun, though." Taylor said standing up.

"But not too much fun." Mathew said giving Luke a threatening look.

"Yes, father." I said.

Mathew rolled his eyes and they left.

"So I had a question." Luke said.

I leaned against him. "Hmmm?"

"Well, since we're engaged and uhh... you know, getting married.. and uhh you're my mate. Do you umm... do you.." Luke babbled.

"Babe, spit it out." I said.

"Do you want to move in with me? To the pack house?" He asked.

A smile spread across my face. My heart did a little flip.

"I'd love to." I said.

Luke smiled and let out his breath. "I love you." He said.

"I love you, too." I said. He bent down to kiss me.


The next day I was moving into Lukes room at the pack house. I was unpacking my clothes while Luke lugged up all my stuff.

After 7 trips Luke came up with the last few bags and pillows.

He dropped them to the floor and collapsed on the bed.

"You have so much stuff." He said.

"Well, I'm a girl." I said.

"I can tell." He said eyeing me with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." I said laughing.

After two hours all my stuff was put away and set up. I collapsed onto the bed next to a sleeping Luke.

I slowly crawled into the bed and he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and cuddled in next to him. Here comes a wonderful nights sleep.

I sighed and fell asleep.

A.N/ Super short today.

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