Chapter 13

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A.n/ Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's chapter 13!!

Short chapter. Not proof read.

Chapter 13

We sat in the hospital room with Tim in his last few hours of life.

April and Tyler are still out in the waiting room.

What's going to happen now? We know it was Evan who did this. Will we find him? And if we do find him, what then? Will he kidnap me again and finish the job this time? And what about Dad? He's alive. How is he? Is he hurt? I'm surprised they kept him alive for 10 years.

I shook all the thoughts from my head I need to stop thinking..

Tims eyes slowly opened. He looked around the room.

"Luke." He said.

"I'm here, Dad." Luke said.

"Safe zone." Tim said.

Luke looked confused.

"Safe zone." Tim repeated.

"Dad, whats a safe zone?"

"Tree house. Safe zone. Deep in the woods.. nobody will find you. Protect April." Tim said, his words jumbled.

"How do we get there?" Luke asked.

"Directions are in my office drawer. Key is behind the picture frame. They're coming for her, Luke. They did this to me." Tim said.

I froze. They're coming for me? Now? I'm in danger...

"Who, Dad?" Luke asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Evan..." Tim said and his eyes slowly shut.

Tim Smith breathed his last breath, and he was gone.

Mrs. Smith started crying and Luke sat there with his head in his hands.

I cried,too.

"Goodbye, Dad." Luke whispered quietly.

If I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have been able to hear him.

Luke stood up.

"Mom, I need to protect April. I need to find the safe zone." He said.

He hugged his mom and we went outside to tell Tyler and May.

"Tyler, take care of the pack while I'm gone. I'll be back once Evan is gone." Luke said.

Tyler and Luke went to go talk.

May hugged me.

"How is he so calm? His dad just died and people are trying to kill his mate. How is he so calm?" May asked.

I hugged her back.

"He is very strong, May. But even strong people break down. I guess it hasn't sunk in yet." I said.

She nodded.

"I'll see you when you get back. You be careful. Mind Luke and don't do anything stupid." She said wiping away a tear.

I nodded, holding back tears. Was I going to come back?

Luke and Tyler came back over.

"You ready?" Luke asked.

I nodded. We left the hospital.

Once we got back to the pack house, I went to go pack my stuff while Luke went to get the directions and the key.

Once I got up to Luke's room I pulled out a bag. I packed my clothes and some stuff I would need.

Once I was done, I went to Tims office.

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