Chapter 11

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A.n/ Hey y'all. I know I said I would not be updating but I am like, addicted to my own story. XD Chapter ten was like, eaten up! It was insane. Every time I rewrote it it got eaten up! So screw it. Luckily it wasn't really anything important. Just cutesie moments between April and Luke. I am so happy I reached over 3,000 views! Thank you all so much! If this chapter gets eaten I will cry.

There is probably a lot of spell mistakes.

Chapter 11

Two weeks since my kidnapping and everything has been going well. I think I'm safe, but Luke doesn't quite agree yet.

Every now and then I feel as if I'm being watched. But I just brush it off. I mean, you're supposed to feel that way after you're kidnapped... Right?

Luke was asleep on his bed when I came in the room.

I jumped onto the bed and started jumping up and down.

"Wakey wakey!" I shouted.

Luke pulled the pillow over his head.

I yanked the blankets off, leaving him in just his boxers.

I heard him growl.

Yeah, well he better get up! It's Saturday and I want to go to a movie!

I sat on his back and started singing "Call Me Maybe."

I know he hates that song. He pulled me down next to him.

"You know I hate that song, right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Exactly vwhy I was singing it."

He narrowed his eyes.

He looked so cute. His eyes still were thick with sleep and his hair was messy.

"Baby, I wanna go to a movie." I said.

He kissed me on the nose.

He yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"10am." I replied.

He nodded and went into the bathroom to shower.

I really want to go to the movies! I heard that "The Letter" just came out! (A.n/not a real movie, to my knowledge.)

I love romance movies. I cry like a baby at them. But they're just so darn cute!

I had already taken a shower but I was still in sweatpants so I decided now was a good time to change.

I pulled out a pair of lightwash jeans and a pink lacy shirt. After putting them on, I dug through my shoes. I decided on a pair of Uggs.

I put a beanie on my head and went downstairs to make breakfast.

French Toast was already made by Jean, the maid. Yeah. The pack house has a maid. I feel bad for her. Us werewolves are pretty messy. She's a werewolf herself though so she's used to it.

I put powdered sugar and syrup on my breakfast and dug in. Mmmm. Jean is a wonderful cook!

I savored my food until Luke came down. He sat himself down and ate some of Jeans wonderful french toast.

"What did you want to see today?" Luke asked me.

"The Letter." I said.

He wrinkled his eyebrows. "That new romance movie?" He asked.

"Yes. I love romance movies!" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"So we can go?"

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