Spell 12

3.5K 57 41

You need:
- water
- salt
- symbol
- voice

Put the salt in the water.
Hold your symbol in your hand in the water.

Say this:
Witches of the sea and air, witches of the earth and the fire please listen to me as I tell you my wish. A mermaid I which to be with a beautiful ......... tail with powers of ..................whenever I touch water with this symbol on, my tail will appear. This wish will come truth after ..... days. This spell can not fail. thank you for making this spell come truth!!!

Put your symbol on.

Tail colors: all colors are possible
Powers: all powers are possible
Days: your choice ( it can be your favorite numer)

Side effects:
Singing, tired, the weather is weird, sleeping good, legs are looking different,thirst and you dream about you as a mermaid.

Boys: change mermaid to mermen.

Chance to work: ••ooo

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