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My dearest readers,

I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement while I was writing this. You've held me accountable for finishing M.'s story, something I know wouldn't have happened without your support. You have my deepest gratitude for taking the time to read my little work.

In all honesty, so many more people read and commented and voted than I ever anticipated. I've tried to give you guys dedications, but I'm sure I missed some people (which annoys me, because you guys are awesome and deserve it). Your comments and votes kept me going, even when this story became frustrating for me at points. I'm at the point where I have no more words. Caps and bold don't do my gratitude justice, but here goes: THANK YOU.

To the Minnesota Goodbyes Book Club: Your analysis will be used in future drafts to (hopefully) add new and more complex layers. I've loved reading your comments, and realizing the depth of your thoughtfulness. Each of you deserves so much more than a few words here, but I cannot send brownies through the internet.

I am positive I would've given this up without you guys, and I can't express my gratitude for the comments and messages that helped push me through. I am so, so happy you helped me finish, you encouraged me, and I will not be able to thank you enough.

But I can try: Thank you, a thousand times over.

Yours in gratitude,


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