Q: Hi

Brayden's A: hey

Q: Hi Brayden

Brayden's A: hey person

Q: Do you know about the morning when Mitch's mum came in and gotnscared because she thought Mitch and Bek did it because Mitch was shirtless and he had a blanket over his pants and Bek had been doing first aid on his welts?

Brayden's A: Wait, what? Oh my god that's hilarious! I can't wait to ask them about it!

Q: pls can't you just make them kiss or something?

Brayden's A: I'm trying!!!

Ryan's Questions:

Q: How do you feel about Bek being so close to Mitch now?

Ryan's A: I'm totally fine with it. We still talk on team speak and twitter everyday, its just that they get to see each other everyday. It's not like she can only have one friend. (But I'm still her favorite ;p)

Q: You're in on the whole Mitch loves Bek but she's too darn stupid to notice thing right?

Ryan's A: Oh totally! Brayden and I made a bet about whether or not they would be cuddling when he spent the night, I won.

Q: Jordan and Maclean or Mitch and Brayden?

Ryan's A: They're all my friends and I love to hang out with all of them

Q: What's up?

Ryan's A: Nothing much, just listening to music and scrolling through twitter.

My (thewriter's) Questions:

Q: Where is your dream paradise?

My A: Hmmm... Probably somewhere really cool with a nice beach. Or Hogwarts. Hogwarts works too.

Q: How do you feel about waffles and their place in society? #freethewaffle

My A: They're good to eat I guess? But please, do not start a social movement in the comments. :p (I kid, you can start any kind of movement you want)

Q: What inspired you to write this?

My A: At the time, I had gotten really into watching Mitch's streams and videos and I had been wanting to write a cube fan fiction, so here we are!

Q: How area you today?

My A: I'm good! A little sad that I will be without WiFi for writing and watching youtube, but other than that I'm good! How are myou guys doing?

Q:What is your favorite dinosaur? :)

My A: When I was little, I loved the triceratops, and I still do. But since seeing Jurasic World, the raptors are pretty cool too.


My A: Please don't worry! I've had a plan for this story sine I've started writing it, and I am following it. I don't know how great of a plan it is... But we'll see :l

I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя