Callen laughed. "Not there Jethro, Jake needed a bath so I converted my room into a larger bathroom, holds a washer dryer we found, it works great now. I sleep there..." He pointed to the couch he had installed in the small living area, "But you can take that tonight I'll put my roll on the floor and we'll talk to Wanda about getting you a room tomorrow." Just as he said it Wanda knocked softly on the door.

"Hey Greg?" She called.

He opened the door and looked worried, "Is everything alright?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yes but I assumed you needed somewhere for your friend to sleep, so I brought you a key to room 5, it's got clean sheets and bedding."

Callen kissed her cheek, "Thanks Wanda."

She smiled, "I liked it better when you called me Ma." she sighed.

He stepped down and took the key pulling her into a hug, "Thanks Ma." he said again.

"Well you boys have a good night and I'll see you in the morning. You have jobs if you are interested?"

Callen shrugged, "Gotta pay the bills Wanda."

She smiled and waved heading back to where Bert was waiting to take her home.

Callen handed the key to Gibbs and went to pour him a coffee.

"So you're not going home?" Gibbs asked as he took his coffee and moved to the couch.

"I am home." Callen said stubbornly.

"I meant your house in Los Angeles."

"I think Hetty sold it. Anyway, this is home for Jake. Until Nate says he's ok I can't even think of moving. This is all he remembers, this is home to him. I need Jake to have stability, he needs to go back to school and his friends."

"So you're going back to being Greg Carter?" Gibbs sipped his coffee and waited for Callen to reply.

"I...I want to, but it's not who I am. But I can be enough of Greg Carter that Jake will feel settled."

"What about you G. You are a federal agent, doesn't matter what agency, that is what you know, who you are?"

"No!" Callen shook his head, "Who I am is Jake's father. What he's been through is traumatic,"

"What Hetty put you through was traumatic." Gibbs said interrupting him.

Callen gave a sour laugh, "It's just to be expected."

"How so?" Gibbs asked.

"I trusted Hetty, and she took me in before I came to you. I should have known she didn't mean it."

"Has she ever hurt you like that before?" Gibbs asked.

Callen looked away and nodded. "She knew my mother...I never told you but after we went to Romania to rescue her, I found out that she had known my mother. She was supposed to help her out and get us off the beach and take us to safety. She didn't."

"Wow." Gibbs looked shocked, "I never knew. Had I known... Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No!" Callen shook his head fervently. "I just want to forget she exists, she's done hurting my family."

"Ok. When's Nate coming up?"

"A few days I think." Callen replied. "When are you heading home?"

Gibbs took another mouthful of his coffee. "I rented the car for another month. Talked to Vance about having some vacation time. Tony will be fine running the team for a while. I just needed to spend some time with you. I let you down."

" you didn't Jethro, you came with Sam and Nell and saved me."

"You needed me. Of course I'll be there." Gibbs put his coffee down and leaned towards Callen. "I know you have always felt like you are alone, but do you remember the promise I made to you when you came to live with me for a while."

Callen nodded. "No matter where I go, if I need you and you are able you'll be there." he said but not really believing it. "It doesn't mean that you need to though?"

"Yes it does." Gibbs looked up at the clock on the wall, "It's getting late, I'm gonna turn in. I'll see you in the morning."

Callen nodded and stood at the door as Gibbs walked towards the parking lot towards his room.

Closing the door and turning back to the couch Callen reached behind it.

He grabbed the blanket from the bedroll and threw it on the couch then he walked to check on Jake, who was sleeping soundly.

Giving a small smile and a sigh he closed the door after pulling Jake's blanket over him he made it to the sofa and finally alone allowed himself to think over what had happened to him and how much he had lost.

He closed his eyes to blink back the tears, crying had never solved anything. But at least here alone he could process what he needed to and become strong enough to help his son.

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