Ch. 11- Do you want me (dead)?

Start from the beginning

"Hey, it's X-man! Who's that you've got with you?" I heard a british voice say.

"Uh, this is my new friend... Umm... Uh, Vampira?" I rolled my eyes inside my 'hood' as I heard Xander's attempt to sneak me in.

"Dude, if you got a leech, just say the word and we'll give you a room and a collector, no prob."

"Uh, no. I'm fine, I'll just bring her to umm... I'll figure it out?" I heard Xander answer, I wanted to hit him, but that would only provoke the other guy, so I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes, again.

"Sure. Go ahead." The british guy told Xander, apparently they were used to him here.

Joel’s POV:

I sat up rubbing my eyes. Then I looked around the familiar, but hated room. I was in the morgue. That was when I noticed that what I had thought to be my bed, was actually one of the metal slates that were used for the deceased. I knew there was a reason that it had been so hard.

I tried to remember why I was here, but nothing came to mind. I looked over my body to see whether I had any battle wounds, but all I found was a small mosquito bite. Some of my scars were actually gone, and other had faded. But the two small scars on the side of my neck, were still there, with no changes. 

I had had those two small scars as long as I could remember. I knew they were from my early days as a Hunter, so I figured that it must have been from one of my first fights, but lately I had started to doubt that. 

When I had first met Eliza under the weeping willow on the hill, my scars had started to tingle slightly, but so had my fingers and my stomach had been filled with butterflies, so I thought nothing of it. Then when I had met her at school, my those two scars had tingled again, and again when we met on the hill again.

I blinked as the memories flooded my mind. The hill, we fought, she won. Realization hit me, hard. Everything had gone black, I had died. Did that mean that I was a ghost? Or a spirit? Or was there really an after life? But I felt alive. I decided that it had been a dream, a nightmare, but I knew that it had been real. She had killed me.

But then, how could I be here?

"Joel!" Xander's voice penetrated my thoughts, and a wave of sorrow washed over me. And I knew that he would take this the hardest, we had been friends ever since he joined the guild.

When he had come in, soaking wet and looking for a place to stay, I was the one to open the doors and let him sleep on the floor in my room. That was before I had an annoying roommate.

A small smile crept onto my lips as I remembered when Xander had walked through that big front door, dripping wet from the rain outside, and the lake. It was a dark and stormy evening, and Xander had gone fishing in our lake, unknowing of the giant squid we had kept there.

At least that was what he had told us, well yelled at us about in the middle of the entrance hall, in the middle of the night. The only problem was that we never had a squid before Xander came, but of course he demanded that we get one as soon as he had been accepted into the guild.

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