XVII. Onin

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The faint stench of raw sewage met him as consciousness returned. Deitonin's eyes fluttered open to see that he was lying on a cot with the Shadow treating his wounds.

"Where's Jak...?" He asked.

Young Samos signed, "He is speaking with Onin."

Deitonin tried to sit up, but could not get very far.


He looked to see a handcuff holding his left wrist to the steel bed post, "What's this about?"

"You were thrashing about in your sleep, shrieking like a mad man about flashing faces and burning lights." He replied.

The Daemon sighed, "I see..."

The door near them opened and Torn came in drying his hair, it was shocking to see his hair no longer in his dreads.

"Oh, it's nice to see that you finally woke up." He said tossing his towel in a nearby laundry basket, "It's been three days after all..."

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.


Deitonin grimaced as he looked at the handcuff, "I see..."

Torn sat down on the edge of the cot and started redoing his hair, "How is he?" He asked Samos.

"He will heal, but I fear his body will begin responding negatively to any Eco he absorbs."

Deitonin frowned, not knowing how yo respond to this.

"What do you mean?" Torn asked.

"He could die if he absorbs or changes using Eco." Samos replies flatly.


Deitonin closed his eyes, "So...basically I'm useless now?"

"I wouldn't say that..." the old man said.

Deitonin frowned, "Sure..." he pulled his wrist, warping the handcuff chain before it finally shattered.

He got out of bed and walked past them, running into Jak as he opened the door.

He looked up at Deitonin with stormy eyes, making the Daemon smile, "Good to see you again."

"Yeah, no thanks to you." He growled.


Jak scowled, "I was told that you caused what happened to me."

Deitonin furrowed his brows, "Yeah..."

Daxter then appeared on his friend's shoulder, "Hey, calm down man, I'm sure there's some reason behind it...right...?"

Deitonin looked down at him feet in shame.

"Right?" The Ottsel coaxed.

The Daemon sighed, "I'm sorry..."

He heard Jak sigh before he suddenly embraced him. Deitonin stiffened up as he looked down at him.

He frowned before returning the embrace, feeling a bit awkward as everyone watched them.

Jak then broke away with a sigh as he looked away, "Um...yeah..."

Daxter looked between them before clearing his throat, "Well, we should really be getting to bed...lot of stuff has happened in the past few days..."

Jak's gaze fell as he turned and walked away with his head down. Shadow came lumbering in, looking down at the ground.

"What happened?" He asked once Jak had left the room.

Shadow sighed, "While you were out for the count, I witnessed something almost taboo..."

"Oh? What could that be?" He asked.

The Werecat motioned for him to come closer, to which he responded with a silent kneel, "What is it?"

"We witinessed the murder of his father..." Shadow trailed off as Daxter came from the room Jak was in, he was bringing his friend's clothes out to be washed by Tess and Sophia.

The Daemon frowned, not knowing how to respond as this knowledge sank in.


He looked to Daxter as the Ottsel passed, only to be overcome by flickering images.

Deitonin held his head in pain and hunched over as his Dark Warrior threatened to emerge, "V-Veger...!" He hissed gritting his teeth.

He was the one who did this...

The Daemon snarled deeply as he stood, staggering as pain jolted through him, bringing the sparks of Dark Eco.

His antlers came out as his hair was overtaken by silver and white.

"Whoa..." Daxter said, "What's wrong Dei?"

He staggered toward him as his claws came out, "Kill...Vulgar..." he rasped as his pupils dilated to fill his onyx eyes.

Shadow followed after his master as he left the sewers, hell bent on getting revenge...

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