XIII. Cross-Over

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"Have you heard about that new team of gladiators?" A Krimson Guard asked another.

Shadow and Daxter hid under a nearby garbage can as they chatted.

"You mean those Dark Warriors?"

"Yeah! Those guys are crazy good fighters!"

"I saw their tenth battle the other day, the four of them look like they're reaching the end of their lives..." The guard commented, "Especially that Deitonin, the beast's trembling and bow legged when he's not in his Dark form..."

"Poor thing..." Shadow murmured.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Deitonin's withdrawals are starting to worsen..."

"What withdrawals?"

Shadow sighed as he scampered past the guards, "Now that he doesn't have his Eco Core, he's begun to rely on raw Dark Eco to keep his body at full power."

Daxter frowned, "Then we've got to get them out fast."

-•-•-DEITONIN'S POV-•-•-

Deitonin sighed with relief as they finished their final battle, the woman who he found to be his beloved Sophia went to his aid as he dropped to his knees at the end of the battle.

"Are you alright honey?" She asked rubbing his back.

"Sorry..." He said standing, "My age is just...catching up with me..."

She took his hand, "How about we visit Onin for some advice?"

"That'd be nice."

"Hey Dei! Hurry up!" Jak called back, "We're going to the Naughty Ottsel for some drinks!"

"Yeah...uh...Sophia and I are going to visit Onin."


Sophia pulled him forward, "He wishes to visit Onin! Is that a problem!"

"Jeez...We'll see you later then...?"

Deitonin watched them leave, "Did you really have to be so harsh to them?"

"They were getting into your business!"

"Soph, please. Torn and Jak have been like brothers to me since I came to this land looking for you."

"You came...looking for me...?"

"Yes...my love."

She blushed, "But I was captured by Baron Praxis twenty-two years ago..."

Deitonin sighed as they left the arena, he took a double seater Zoomer and was about to leave when Daxter and Shadow came scampering up to them, "WAIT!! DON'T LEAVE US!!"

"What's the problem?" He asked as the leapt into the Zoomer.

Shadow pawed at him, "Are you feeling alright? You're trembling like a leaf and malnourished like a motherfucker!"

Deitonin chuckled hoarsely, "Well at least you feel better than I do..."

Daxter waved to Sophia, "Hello sexy, what's your name?"

She giggled, "Sophia Vespera."

Daxter gestured to Deitonin, "You mean-you and him?"

"That's right."

Deitonin sighed, "Look you two, Daxter, take her to the Naughty Ottsel while I visit Onin."

"Why can't I go?" She pouted.

"I have some serious business to attend to..."


---ONIN'S HUT---

'Welcome back Deitonin and Shadow...' Onin sighed as he staggered into the hut.

"Hey..." He dropped to his knees before her as his vision blurred.

'You are sick...Do you need to rest?'

"Yes...my body is destroying itself from the inside..."

She reached out and patted his head, 'Then rest...'

Deitonin felt his conscious fade as he collapsed onto a pillow Onin set out for him...

-•-•-SHADOW'S POV-•-•-

Shadow sat back as his master collapsed, Onin held her hands over Deitonin as he slept restlessly, 'What happened to your friend here? His mind is clouded by fear and sorrow...'

"Deitonin was forced into becoming a gladiator...I wasn't able to find him until he was freed after he finished his term..."

Onin's expression became angry, 'The barbaric rituals of this world sicken me greatly! Deitonin has known barbarianism before...but this...this has gone too far...'

"What do you mean?"

'He was forced to murder children...'

"Oh my god..." Shadow shuddered, he knew that his master has a thing about killing children, he couldn't do it unless he gave himself to the Madness within...

"Can you check the levels of insanity he has?"

Onin moved her hands over him, 'There are large traces of it in his system, but it's fading...'

"I see...what can we do about that?"

'Nothing really, but I can relieve his plight by reverting his mindset back a bit.'

"Is that safe?"

'It is our only option lest he grows more unstable...'

"Then do it..."

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