VII. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

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Shadow sighed as he pulled Deitonin towards the underside of the ridge, he could sense that a sandstorm would soon sweep over the land, killing them in the process if he didn't find them something to hide in.

Suddenly he remembered their disposal pod, Shadow pulled Deitonin onto his back and took off running towards it. To his relief he found that it was still in one piece. He pushed his master into it as he pulled it over his own body and stuck it deep into the sand where they wouldn't be rooted up or pelted by the storm.

Deitonin gritted his teeth in pain as blood gushed between them, Shadow held him down as his Dark Warrior tried to come to the fore. The Werecat then bit into his arm, Deitonin cried out as he was jolted to his senses, "AGH! Let go let go let go!"

He obeyed, "How do you feel?"

"Like shit..." Deitonin breathed touching the side of his head, "What happened to me?"

"Damas bushwhacked you."

He sighed, "That bastard..."

Shadow's hackles bristled as their pod began to rattle as sand pelted it, "The sandstorm..."

Deitonin sighed as he laid his head back, "Where's Jak..."

"He and Daxter were taken away with that guy Kleiver."

"I hope nothing bad has happened to them..."

-•-•-JAK'S POV-•-•-

Jak sighed as he sat on his couch and out his feet up, "This sucks!"

"Why do you say that?" Daxter asked peeking over the back at him, "You didn't even know him!"

"So what?! You don't know that much about Tess and you still love her!"

Daxter gaped, "You love him?"

Jak crossed his arms behind his head and sighed again, "Not in that way...he...just feels like..." He trailed off.

"Like what?" The Ottsel prodded, "Tell me..."

"A father."


Jak closed his eyes, "I don't know why, but when I would look at him, I could feel a fatherly kinship..."

"Then why didn't you defend him?"

"I don't know, I panicked."

Daxter smirked, "Fatherly love my ass...what does that make you then? His son?"

"Don't be an asshole Dax." Jak snarled.

"Whoa there Jak, no need for the hostility."

Jak felt a pang of pain deep in his chest as Daxter said hostility, he used it to get back at me...

Suddenly Jak's communicator went off, "Jak! Come in! It's me, Keira!"

He grabbed it from the table and held the button as he sat up, "What is it now...?"

She hesitated, "What's the matter?"


Keira sighed, "Did something happen to your friend?"

Jak dropped the communicator on the table as he got to his feet, he hated how she could always guess his feelings...

"I hit the nail on the head huh?"

Daxter picked it up and pressed the button, "Yeah, Jak's pretty torn up about it."

"Really? What happened exactly?"

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