VI. In a Ring of Brimstone and Blood...

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Jak walked into the Arena behind Deitonin, Shadow lumbered beside him in his massive, wolfish grace, wearing his master's shirt over his own furry torso.

Deitonin's stride was easy, as if he were used to these kinds of things.

He was different than Jak...


More experienced.


Jak frowned as they walked into the Arena, "Are you ready for this Dei?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..." He said lifting his sword over one shoulder, it was a miracle that he didn't cut his own head off.

The crowd started cheering as they walked into the Arena, Jak didn't think that they would have fine this after what happened the last time...

The four of them stood shoulder to shoulder as Damas explained the rules of this round, it was quite simple really.

I. Stay alive.

II. Kill merc prisoners.

III. Don't fall into the lava when the alarm sounds.

That was Deitonin's summary of it anyway, he stood tall as the first wave of mercs came at them. Jak stood back to back with Deitonin as he switched his Morph Gun to the Vulcan Fury, "Damn Jak! That shit looks awesome!"

"Yeah...I know, too bad you use a sword."

He sliced through several mercs before flipping his blade, the blade split down the center and formed into a massive Gatling Gun with six barrels, "Eterna's a Gatling-Claymore to you."

Shadow leap between them with Daxter clinging to his scruff, "GO GO GO!!!"

They continued to shoot and pummel each coming foe until the Arena was flooded with blood. Deitonin flinched ad the alarm went off, "Shit! What stage's going to fall?!"

Jak looked around as lava began to bubble up through the surrounding vents on all the stages.

"Fuck." Jak said.


He cried out as Deitonin grabbed him around the waist as he spread out his wings and took off. Shadow leapt up and caught onto his back between his wings as Daxter stuck to Jak's face.

A hush fell over the crowd as they hovered high over the Arena, Damas stood and slammed his staff against the veranda he stood on, "STOP THE BATTLES!!!"

Deitonin slightly landed on the platform that came up out of the lava and set them down, "My king..."

"Silence! I thought that Jak here was bad with his Animal Man act, but then you show up! What the Hell are you?!"

Jak frowned as he put his gun away, then Deitonin placed his hand on Jak's shoulder, "Forgive me, but I have done nothing, and I mean nothing, to deserve such hostility!"

Damas was suddenly taken aback, he scowled, "Jak, Dei. Come to my Throne Room after you leave here. I have something very serious I need to discuss with you."

Jak's heart sank, he knew they were in trouble. He just hoped that they weren't being kicked out of Spargus, because Jak knew he would have to stick his Blaster Gun in Deitonin's mouth and pull the trigger...

Deitonin changed his gun back into his sword and sheathed it, "Come on Jak..."

He didn't even look at him as he and Daxter left the Arena, Deitonin followed along behind him with Shadow slinking along beside him, "Hey Jak....JAK!!"

Jak suddenly found himself holding his Blaster against Deitonin's chest, "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!"

He took hold of the barrel and smirked, "Pull the trigger Jak...I DARE YOU."

Jak took his finger off the trigger as he lowered the gun, "No..."

Shadow ruffled his fur, "Calm your Madness Deitonin...I won't see you getting your brains blown out because you can't keep your thoughts quiet."

They made their way to Damas' Palace and stood on the lift in silence, Shadow sat against his master with his tail coiled around Deitonin's boot.


"What is it?" He asked.

"Do you think we're going to have to live in the desert again?"

He sighed as he scratched Shadow behind the ears, "Don't worry Shadow...I'll make sure everything's okay..."

Damas was waiting for them when the lift came to a stop, "Come here. NOW!"

They came up before them, Jak ducked as Damas swung his staff, cracking Deitonin in the side of the head. Black fluid splattered from his mouth as he collapsed, "Get him out of my sight!"


Damas wiped the blood from his staff, "Drop him and that cat off in the desert where you found him."


"I cannot allow someone live here who can threaten my rule..."

Jak frowned, "I understand..."

Shadow carefully grabbed his master and helped Jak drag him to the lift. He was surprised to see Kleiver waiting for them, "Ey, I see your friend didn't make the cut...where do we drop them off at?"

Jak sighed, "By the old bridge..."

"Alright! Maybe we'll get to see some Metal Heads tear him limb from limb!"

He sighed as they were out to Kleiver's car, he sat in the back with Deitonin and Shadow, Daxter was sitting in the front just out of Kleiver's reach.

-•-•-SHADOW'S POV-•-•-

Shadow held his master in silence as they road through the desert, he pawed at Deitonin's cheek as he started to stir. Blood sputtered from his mouth as he exhaled, "Agh...Sha...Shadow..."

"What is it Dei?"

His fingers braided through Shadow's hair, "Hi..."


He passed out again, Shadow took his hand in his paw and held it close, "Dei..."

Kleiver suddenly skidded to the right and stopped roughly, Shadow yowled as he and Deitonin were knocked from the car into the burning sand. He watched them leave, Jak and Daxter sat in the back in silence, crushed by the cruelty of their leaders.

Shadow sat by Deitonin prostrate form in silence, they were completely alone...

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