Saving Snape's skin...again!

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“That would be wonderful.” She answered, still sniffling. With one hand wiping away the remaining tears and the other safely around the bottle of antidote to the man also called Mr. Grey’s Veritaserum.

Elizabeth supported herself at the over inspector of important witnesses, and made her way further into the courtroom. Crying and drawing attention to herself. Looking pitiful and you would not believe that this were the same Elizabeth you thought you knew. Neither Dumbledore, nor Snape knew what to believe. “Please, Ms Turner. Do you recognize this man?” The Minister asked.  Ignoring Dumbledore and thinking that Ms Turner was a much more important witness to the Ministry. “I-I can’t look at him. It’s too horrible.” She sobbed, turning away and letting an extreme amount of tears run down her already red and wet face. “Please Ms Turner. We need your statement.” Fudge said, with a fake sympathy tone at the edge of his sentence. And then he added at the end, almost struggling to keep the pride and feeling of self esteem on a minimum. “I can guarantee, than he will never hurt you again Ms.”

“Oh thank you. Thank you Minister.” Elizabeth replied with a great deal of gratitude in her voice. Slowly she turned her gaze towards Snape and her gaze dropped. She looked at him in utter shock. “That’s not him.” She whispered, before another float of tears appeared in her eyes. “That’s not him. It’s not him.” She continued on, making the jury mumble and look at each other. Creating doubt and insecurity.

“What do you mean?” The Minister barked. “H-he is out there. H-he- is out there.” Elizabeth mumbled, letting more tears fall down. “He k-killed my parents. He killed everyone. And it’s my fault.” A new set of tears ran down as her voice broke at the end. “You got to find him Minister. You got to. If you take that man in-“ She pointed right at Snape, before crumbling together at the floor. Sobbing loudly. A hand was placed on her shoulder and one of the aurors helped her up. Trying to comfort her. “People will believe he is locked away. When in reality he out there. Waithing to kill all those innocent people. It was my fault, my fault he killed my family. I didn’t want to come with him. I-I was scared.” She said, sobbing into the aurors shoulder. “I ran away.” She mumbled. Some of the witches in the crowd looked like they didn’t know what to do.

“Then what do you suggest. Let him go. This man is a death eater. Look!” The Minister motioned to one of the aurors who were guarding Snape. His pale and skinny bruised arm was grabbed and his sleeve ripped up. Revealing the Dark Mark. There were a few mumbles in the court and Dumbledore spoke up. “Severus Snape is already cleared off-“ He began, but thinking fast Elizabeth interrupted him. “Has he done it to you to? Look what he did to me, look at it.” She said pulling up her sleeve, revealing her Dark Mark. One of the aurors was about to grab her arm, but she fell to the ground. Coughing violently and screaming from pure exaggerating pain. “Make it stop! Make it stop!” She begged, clutching around her stomach. The auror that was going to catch her bent down, mumbling counter spells.

“I think she is been cursed Minister. Very dark magic.”

He spoke and Fudge nodded. “Poor woman, I believe it’s nothing we can do for her now.” Fudge leant over to his secretary. “Make sure nobody knows about this. And send an owl to Azkaban that Mr. Snape is not going to return.” The lady nodded and began scribbling on her board. Elizabeth screams became louder as she begged them to kill her, lesson the pain. But this was a Ministry, and it wouldn’t give good publicity.

“Dumbledore- if you please?” Fudge said, annoying himself over that he had to ask the headmaster of help. Elizabeth slowly began breathing heavier and her screams lessoned. Soon all you could hear was unconscious breathing. Fighting between life and death. She was carried away and Snape was released. He was tired no doubt, but kept glancing over to Elizabeth’s limp body.

Dumbledore apparated towards the school, while Elizabeth joined Snape at the train. Considering he was not in the right state to apparate. It wasn’t before the train began to move she opened her eyes and sat straight up. Covered under Snape’s cold scowl, which now just looked tired, he was hiding guilt. He knew she was a good actor, maybe not this good. But yet, he also knew that some of the things she said in that court weren’t only a lie. And he, he had been so cruel to her. He knew Elizabeth had tried to make up for her actions, at least he should have given her a chance. She already saved his skin once. “Elizabeth I-“ He began with a horse damaged tone, but she cut him off. Just as horse, only colder. Tired from all the crying. “I rather not talk about it.”

Snape passed out half way towards Hogwarts. Not managing to resist she curled up against him and tucked her traveling cloak around both of them. Figuring he looked rather cold in his prison shirt. Off course Elizabeth was in a much more exhausted that what she thought and the second she laid down everything became black. She was so sound asleep that it could be mistaken by a dreaming draught. Snape however had nightmares and woke up with a gasp. Sitting so abruptly up that Elizabeth almost fell of him. Right before her sleeping body would have hit the ground he caught her and brought her up to him. Placing her head in his lap and brushing her shoulder carefully. So immerged by her that he didn’t even know what he was doing. She was so beautiful and looked so peaceful down there in his lap. Breathing so calmly you would never have guessed what she had been through.

He stroking her chin carefully with his thumb. Seeing how her mouth turned slightly upwards in her sleep. “My Elizabeth.” He mumbled unconsciously before carefully lifting her head up so he could get up from his seat. Placing it just as careful down where he had been sitting and tucking her cloak around her. Before he left the compartment he hesitated before kissing her forehead with his thin and dry lips.

He gave her one quick glance before walking to the compartment next door and making himself comfortable there.

Elizabeth Taylor (Harry Potter FF)Where stories live. Discover now