Plans in Motion

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Chapter 10

Plans in Motion

"Why so sad? Things are going according to plan," spoke a lighthearted voice from out of the shadows. "Lazarus was a meddler and needed to be dealt with."

Nayvalyan walked to the scorch mark upon the floor, gazing at the undamaged crystal left behind. He had not answered the speaker, nor did he show any signs of doing so, for remorse reflected in his sad eyes. Slowly he stooped to fetch the seeing stone, then held it up for inspection.

The voice came again. "You were gracious in killing him so quickly, my love."

With a snap of the head, Nayvalyan turned his attention away from the crystal and addressed the dark. "That's just it. I didn't! He escaped before I could finish him."

An exotic woman with a gray smoky complexion stepped from the vale of night. Her hair was long, braided and glowed as if it were hot lava, and protruding from her head were two pearly horns curved like crescent moons. Upon her back, hardly noticeable rested leathery wings. She wore not a stitch - neither cotton nor silk - instead, tongues of fire clad her body in the most scandalous way.

"Give me a way to enter his mind, and I'll do it," replied Essa.

Nayvalyean's eyes met the demon, but there was no smile upon his face.

"What? Are you not pleased to see me, dearest?"

Nayvalyan harrumphed. "Of course. It's just your other form is more appealing."

The demon chuckled. "You humans have such an affinity for the flesh; a peculiar desire." She paused with a playful, pouty look. "Very well. I see no reason not to be accommodating."

She raised her arms high in the air, interlacing all the fingers as if in the midst of an erotic dance, then burst into flames. Nayvalyan turned away, shielding his face.

"Is this more to your liking?" she asked once the blaze subsided.

The succubus now had milky-white skin, and wore a simple dark swath that snaked around her body. Starting at the neckline, the garment worked its way down to the navel where it hugged her supple hips. There it separated into two streaming lengths that reached to the ankles and covered both front and back. Adding to this scantily clad apparel were the open-toe sandals upon her feet. Metallic silver they were, with long straps wrapped around shapely calves, and when she stirred, they glimmered. Her hair among other things also changed. It no longer glowed. Tight Shimmering curls as dark as her deep brown eyes was now in its stead, and only the very tips of her horns were visible. The demon was sensual, irresistible, and altogether wicked to behold.

"Yes. Quite," he answered, admiring her new form.

She smirked. "Now, about my offer."

"No. Leave him be. He's crippled, perhaps permanently and can no longer interfere."

"You flatter me," said the demon, leaning on Nayvalyan's shoulder while brushing his cheek with the back of her hand. "Mortal's are easy to torture, but Wizards on the other hand take more effort. Wasn't sure it could be done." She turned to Nayvalyan with a childish pout. "Not sure if I caused him enough pain. He cast me out rather quickly."

Nayvalyan permitted a slight smile to form on his lips. "It was enough. The physical damage you did was more extensive than you know, and the emotional trauma he sustained will undoubtedly have lasting effects."

"Humph. You make my handy-work seem more impressive then it was."

"He's old Essa, about two hundred years or more. Magic slows aging, but doesn't alter the mind. His will isn't as strong as it once was, and your intrusion may have been enough to brake it, perhaps for good." Nayvalyan's attention wandered. "If that's true, I'll finally have the chance to claim the prestige due me."

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