Plots Uncovered

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Chapter 9

Plots Uncovered

Lazarus returned to Oaladrawn the next day but under gloomy conditions. Dark storm clouds blotted the sun, and an unusual chill hung in the air.

"Ah. Lazarus, you're back early," said Nayvalyan, greeting the old wizard as he entered the atrium. "What news have you?"

Lazarus shivered, but not from the weather. "Very little I'm afraid. The curse stretches farther than expected, and who's behind it is still a mystery."

"Surely you've made progress?"

Lazarus nodded. "I've seen much and witnessed more." Stroking his snowy white beard with a finger, the old wizard lay bare all his findings. "There is a direct correlation between nightmares and these unnatural deaths. It's my belief these nightmares can be blocked."

Nayvalyan's eyes widened a fraction as he showed unusual interest (a rare show for him) but one Lazarus failed to notice.

"Blocked you say," spoke Nayvalyan in his tippical flippant manner. "How?"

Lazarus took on a stodgy air. "In theory, it should be no different in the way we prevent others from reading our thoughts and memories."

"How strange. You'd think it take more than that simple trick."

"What about you?" asked Lazarus. "Have you made any progress?"

Nayvalyan shook his head. "No. I tried crystal-gazing but found no power strong enough to raise suspicion or pursue."

"Shame. This is proving more difficult than anticipated. Have you consulted the library?"

"Yes," replied Nayvalyan. "I've found no reference to a curse like this, nor anything related."

"Perhaps you've missed something," suggested Lazarus, tugging at his beard in anxious thought. "I'll have a look myself."

"Are you accusing me of not being thorough?"

Lazarus appeared dumbstruck at his understudies accusations. "Calm yourself, my friend. A second pair of eyes can't hurt."

"It can if one's pride is in question," replied Nayvalyan, indignantly. "I assure you. If any pertinent information were there, it would have been found."

Lazarus met his understudy's brown eyes with cool composure. "Very well. You've not failed in the past. If you say it's not there- it's not there. But why are you so snappy?"

Nayvalyan let out a relaxed breath, yet still looked uneasy. "You know what it's like pouring over books, tomes and scrolls. It leaves you drained and at times, edgy."

Lazarus nodded, his shoulders slumping. "Speaking of drained... I could use more rest. Sleeping under the stars is nice but there's no substitute for a bed. Perhaps I'll go have a lie." The old wizard rubbed his itchy eyes and made for the archway.

"Sleep well, Lazarus," said Nayvalyan as his superior exited the chamber.

"He suspects something," whispered a mysterious disembodied voice off in the distance.

"He suspects nothing, Essa."

"You're an awful liar, my love. Why do you care for him so?"

"Because I owe him everything. Without his teaching I'd be just an ordinary man - not the great wizard you adore. That's why I've limited the scope of the ritual and delayed my plans."

"I hate that old geezer," she hissed. "He has denied me both pleasure and delight."

"Patience, my pet. It won't be long. A choice has to be made. He'll either join or..."

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