[ chapter four ; ditching pt 1 ]

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A/N: hi fellas! I know that this fanfic was on hold for like.. almost a year? Well sorry. I was too caught up with my own world that I didn't even bother to write.. or read any fanfic.

Well, this chapter is supposed to be long.. but I think its going to be too long so I divided it into two chaps. And I don't think I could finish that long chapter tonight, because tomorrow until im back to school I think I don't have a time to write :( sad :(

But the next chap is on going already, and its almost half-done!

I figured that I don't really finish my chaptered story so.. I'm hoping that I can at least finish this one.

So enjoy, a vote or a comment would be nice xx


Today was Thursday.

That meant, tomorrow was Friday.

And Friday was 'our day'.

By tomorrow, I would be having movie marathon and sleepover at Niall's with the gangs. And I just couldn't stop being excited.

It wasn't like I hadn't had any movie marathon or sleepover with my friends back then—we did some actually. But this time—I didn't know. I was too excited about this, even I woke up with a grin that crept my sister out. Even my mom gave me a questioning look that I returned with a grin. My family must thought that I was a creep by now.

You're excited because of Louis.

Oh shut up stupid heart, I knew it wasn't true.

A lot of people greeted me as I walked in the long, long hallway—and of course, being a nice person I was, I greeted them back with hi's and waves with a grin plastered on my face.

Oh God, people must thought that I was a creep too.

But today I was happy and I wasn't going to care about what people thought about me. Not even a bit.

I hummed softly as I pulled out my phone from my jeans' pocket. I began checking my mails with a smile when—


—I bumped into someone.

And both of us fell on our butts.

Damn, my butt should be flat by now thanks to this person.

I put my phone back into my pocket directly.

I was busy stroking my butt and wincing in pain when I heard the person started to stand up and cursing at me.

"Watch where you're going—"

I directly looked up to find out who was hurting my precious butt.

It was Louis.

We were silence for seconds until I got myself back from blanking out. "Louis?"

"Oh, its you," he sighed as he stretched out his hand to help me stand up. "I think you were some fuckers."

I eyed his hand first, then hesitantly took his hand and pulled it. When I was up, I smiled at him. "Did you just.. helped me?"

"Is that a problem?" Louis frowned at my words. He looked pissed and amused at the same time.

"Yes!" I blurted without thinking. "I mean.. no. Yes. Maybe. You rarely help someone or something like that and it looks.. weird. Not that I mind in fact I'm happy but I just not used to it so—oh my God, don't mind me please."

I covered my mouth with my hands, stopping my mouth from saying any stupid things. I closed my eyes too, ready for any scold or sassy comebacks.

Good, Louis was just being nice to me and I ruined it. When I thought Louis would finally consider me as a friend..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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