[ chapter three ; slut meets dumb ]

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Another school day.

Days had passed since the first time I thought I could ask Harry, but the day hadn't come.

I did try to ask him, believe me. But it was like everyone was interfering me for having a conversation alone with Harry.

One time, I was about to ask Harry when he sat next to me in a class. And when I was about to talk to him, the teacher came. And it was a scary teacher.

And another time, when I was walking in the hallway, I spotted Harry and he was alone. Just when I about to approach him, girls were already circling him. Well, I admitted he was handsome, cool, cute, adorable—name it. But not as beautiful as Louis, to be honest.

Did I just say that Louis was beautiful?

Well, shit.

Speak of the devil, I spotted him in the corner of the lockers with three guys that didn't seem familiar to me. By familiar, I meant his group of friends.

From afar, I could see that they were kind of arguing. I guess arguing wasn't a correct word because the only ones who was angry were those three boys that I didn't recognize. And Louis, duh, he looked calm as ever. I couldn't hear them from this distance, but I bet all Louis did was saying something rude with his straight face and those guys was losing their temper.

Louis did slay.

Thinking of that most realistic possibilities, I grinned as I made my way towards them.

And no—I didn't plan to eavesdropped their conversation or even interrupted them, but coincidentally my locker was near where Louis was. Yeah, pure coincidental.

Just when I got into my locker, I could hear their conversation—is that even a correct word?—perfectly. I didn't care if I looked like a stalker, but I was curious.

And I thought the students were going to agree with me, because suddenly it was quiet and their eyes were on Louis and those guys.

This show was going to be fun.

".. I didn't do anything. Fuck off," it was Louis' voice, his tone was so casual.

"Bullshit," the punk-like dude said, I thought he was the leader. Because so far the two guys behind him didn't say anything.

Louis grinned, and let out an evil chuckles. Wow, he was sexy. "I'm telling no bullshit. Your girl's a slut,"

The punk-like guy clenched his fists, ready to throw a fist anytime. He was trying to calm himself down. The guys behind him shot Louis a death glares, which didn't effect Louis at all. Ha.

"What.. What did you say?!" Wow. Someone was upset.

"I'm going to say this once, so listen carefully," Louis smirked. "Your. Girl. Is. A. Slut."

It was almost make the punk-like guy lost his temper, but his friends tapped his shoulder. And it worked, he calmed down, a bit. After taking a long deep breath, he spoke as he clenched his fists tighter.

"Listen you fucker," his jaw tightened. "You have to take it back or—"

"Or what?"

Surprisingly, it wasn't come from Louis' mouth. Instantly, everyone—included those three—turned around to find who was the voice owner.

And surprisingly—again, it belonged to Mr. Fenguiston.

Our beloved math teacher.

Note the sarcasm.

And the hallway suddenly turned quiet. So quiet that it was hard to believe that almost half of the students gathered here.

The punk-like opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but he closed it again. He was priceless.

Numb [ Louis Tomlinson ; AU ]Where stories live. Discover now