Jennifer Winston
25 July 2015
Dear diary....
School has been terrific!!!!!!!!!! I have like twenty friends. Johnny and I have had our differences, but Jeffrey is my best friend now! We've had so much fun and we've bonded and got to know each other a lot in this week. His favourite colour is...RED! LIKE MINE! I really adore him.

We watched Home together the other day and we cried together when Oh almost died. But, he held me so closely to his chest and wiped my tears. When Oh said something incorrectly, we laughed and laughed and.. He has the sweetest laugh. He makes me smile just thinking about him.

He is amazing but his brother, that is a totally different subject. Johnny is good-looking, yes, but not as sweet and caring as Jeff is.

I hardly ever think of London. I love South Africa. Tracey made the best decision ever! I'm so glad we live here. I can only say one sentence in Afrikaans and that is,'Ek kan Afrikaans praat'.

I have been rebelling a lot now and the more I do, the more lectures I get from Tracey. Its all good. I refuse to be a nerderess! I'm focusing on my school career, but rebelling at the same time.

The Coffee Shop has been good and from the tips I'm getting I'm R100 from paying Tracey that money. Bam! I've decided to stay for a little while longer at the shop. For Jeff and Emma. Emma and I are great buddies now and I'm really like her.

Life is fantastic! Jeff is picking me up later so we can go to sightseeing.. In the rain! Awesome,right? Jeff is even going to take me to get my Identity book next week. Sweet.

Jennifer Lee Winston Van Der Merwe(hopefully one day)

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