Chapter Six

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Jennifer Winston
We had just arrived at our new home in Sea Point. The view of the sea was amazing! I was so obssessed with it.. I must have taken fifty pictures of the view, alone. I was sitting on the balcony and Tracey was sleeping which meant the house was peaceful and I could finally write in my diary in peace.

05 July 2015
Dear diary....
Just because I am in love with South Africa... nothing could explain how I still missed London. I wonder if Dad wonders where we are right now... because he hasn't called since May. He phoned to wish my sister a happy birthday. I was wondering if Gran was okay and Anna.. how I shall miss her. It made me sad to think that we had left behind so much.. but I guess its all fine. I was excited to meet Nhlanhla again. She seemed to know a lot for sho! I don't know what school I am going to. Tracey has to Hand in my applications to the high schools I have enrolled into. Tommorrow we have to go to these schools to hand in our applications. Schools were closed in Cape Town and only reopened on the 20th of July.We exchanged our British euros for South African Rands. Their money has Nelson Mandela on. We had a slight view of Robben Island from here. If only Dad could see this. And Gran.. she loves the sea. It's gonna rain now. It is 10:47 in London:-[. London: A word I never want to hear again or say.

I went into our home afraid I was going to get wet as it started to rain, heavily.

I heard a huge noise coming from the kitchen and I ran to see what it what it was. Jessica had just broken Tracey's favourite plate. It was Fine China. Gran had given it to her and she vowed to never ever break it.

"Do you know what you've just done?!" I said semi-yelling and whispering.

"Broken Mum's favourite plate. That was Fine China and given to her by Gran? Which she vowed to never, ever break?" She replied sassily.

"Then yes! I do know what I have done'' she added.

"Tracey will break you if she finds out what you've done!" I said.
I took a broom and swept up the pieces of the plate and took it into my room and tried to hide it somewhere.

I realised that I do not have a place to hide since our furnisher was not delivered yet. I could not hide it in my suitcase.. Tracey would unpack it and see that it is broken!

"Once again.. Jennifer cleans up Jessica's mess!"I yelled. This time I didn't care who was sleeping. "You just did it; without me saying anything! and fyi: I did not even call you here.. so what you doing here!?" She said.

"I am tired of you.. you and your constant need to belittle people.. I am tired Jessica Lola Winston!" I said.

"Do not expect tears or hurt words from me! You are the worst sister in the world, you are grade A pain in my neck and I know you going to expect me to run to you with open arms because I will not! Jennifer Lee Winston''

Tracey came down the stairs in a robe. ''What the Heck is going on!?" She asked. Pretentious Mum 101 here we go!

"Jennifer did it!" "Jessica did it!" We said at the same time.

Cape Town is in the multimedia

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