Chapter Four

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Jennifer Winston
04 July 2015
Dear Diary..
Tracey, my sister and I were all seated and buckled up on the plane. The flight attendant reminded everyone to stay seated and to buckle up. I let tears fall as the plane started moving and very soon the plane went soaring like an eagle through the sky. I looked at London one last time through the window and remembered everything that happened here; my first steps were taken in a local coffee shop in London, my first words were spoken in a London home.
I have so many things here that I'm not ready to give up on, not now.

I closed my diary and let the music playing through my headphones take control. I was only listening to music that British artists made famous. People like Ed Sheeran, Rita Ora or One Direction.

I opened my diary to remember some of the things the family did here.

25 December 2013
Dear Diary
This Christmas was awesome!!:-) Dad prepared us his famous Winston Turkey but what made it very special is that Gran was here!!! She even knitted us jerseys! I loved mine, it had a reindeer on. Jessica hated hers and said that it was a fashion-hell-no for sho! I wear hers and mine now. It's wonderful. Gran told us stories of how Dad used to steal food from the fridge when he's grounded or how Dad snuck out to see Mum. :-) it was wonderful!! We also went sight-seeing here in London which was amazing!! I didn't want to end the day.

Dad bought Jessica a pretty cool watch and Mum bought me a Disney bed spread and curtains. I was ecstatic! Mickey Mouse everywhere in my room for sho! Christmas was epic!!:-)
Merry Christmas Diary
Ho ho

I remember how "for sho" used to be in every sentence I said when I first heard it. I really miss London now. I mean I'm leaving behind Dad, Anna, Gran and my science class group.

I reopened my diary and saw another page. Just then Photograph by Ed Sheeran came on and I put the volume on its highest.

02 May 2015
Dear Diary..
My life is a little messed up now. There has been more arguments between Tracey and Dad than ever because people have been telling him about Tracey's actions lately. Obviously he still loved her.. why else would he be so overprotective over Tracey? I've been really sad and my sister and I are even closer now. She is super rude to me at school because she needs to stay popular and dissing a geek is the only way she'll gain more friends. At home she is caring but we do have our fair share of fights. I remember when Tracey and Dad were arguing we took our sleeping bags, phones and our tent to the backyard and slept there. We had to get away from the arguing. Jessica sang to me that night. She has a rare singing voice. Almost like a Beyoncè, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey all in one.

Jess didn't let on that anything was wrong at home when she was at school. She was quite quiet. Which was weird.. She always let people know what went on in our home. I didn't have anyone to share it with so I also kept quiet. I can't take the bickering between our parents.. they need to sort it out. We've been camping in the backyard every other night. We just want to be normal again.

The song was ending and sang, "When I'm away I'll remember how you kissed me. Under the lamppost back on 6th street.
Hearing you whisper through the phone: 'Wait for me to come home'." I dried my eyes and looked out the window.

"Bye London" I said somber.

How was 4?? Remember to leave your comment on the Message board or send me a message:-) I also want you to check out
AthenaShakespeare. She's pretty Awesome for sho!!

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