Jennifer Winston
I heard the toilet flush and instantly, I had a massive headache. I opened my eyes and the sunlight was killing me! I groaned. I took my hands and took all the sand, that sandman left in my eye, out. I looked at my hands and saw 'JOHNNY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! HE IS A STINKER!

All last night's memories came back to me. All I did and said. The fight with my mom, the almost-kiss with Johnny, Ceelo and Keyshia. How could I think I had a chance with Johnny when his heart was still with this mysterious Keyshia. I hadn't even met her; but I don't like her.

I didn't want to see Johnny, it would be awkward!

I didn't have to talk to him, no! My job interview! It started at eleven! I unlocked my phone and looked at my lock screen.. Jess and I.


What the Fuck?! I had limited time left. Johnny was going to be here soon and I had an enormous headache.

I ran and brushed my teeth. Combed my hair and took a five minute shower. I got dressed any old how. I didn't care about anything, but getting to that coffee shop. I put on my shoes and ran down the hall.

I walked when I reached the kitchen I knew Tracey would get me if I brought any attention onto myself. So, for now, I'm gonna zip my lips.

"Aah, if it isn't the Jennifer Lee Winston who drank alcohol last night and then, started telling her mother that it was her fault!" Tracey said sarcastically.

"I'm late for an appointment"


"Tracey, no! I'm late. And besides, your shouting is going to hurt my head even more. Bye"

"Je-" she tried to say but I was out by the door.

I walked down the hall. I wasn't going to speak to Johnny at all!

"Jennifer" oh gosh! It was that angelic voice I didn't want to hear for the first time. I stopped walking. Do not turn around! I told myself!

I turned around. "Hi"

"Howdy?" He said.

"You look like you're going somewhere. Are you?" He added.

"Erm..yes. A coffee shop. I know my way"

"Oh. But you don't know how to travel via public transport. Or do you?" He said sarcastically.

"No. I don't"

"Then let me take you"

"I'll find my own way"

"You're breaking my heart. I woke up at six, just for this" he was really pushing it.

"Fine" he smiled. He took my hand and caressed my thumb. I pulled my hand from his.

"Why the sad face? Did the itty bitty doggy eat your breakfast?"

"Johnny, please don't waste my time. Just get in the car and drive to wherever"

I sorta felt like Lana Del Rey did in her Video Games song. She was so absorbed in drinking with this guy. Like I was, with Johnny.

"Are you going to get in?" Johnny snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

"Duh?!" I got in and we drove away.

"You nervous?" He asked.

"How could you be so okay and chilled with having a major hangover?"

"This is, actually, not too bad. I had quite a bit. Not as much as you, at least"

"Oh Haha"

"No really. You drank so much! And, I took Panados. I listened to Ceelo" he laughed.

He switched the radio on. Empire cast- you're so beautiful was playing. We turned it off. The bass gave me a headache.

"We're here!" He whispered. His head was sore, lots of cars honked because of his slow driving. It gave us, both, headaches.

This is no way I wanted to apply for a job. Hungover?! Hell no!

I entered the coffee shop. That buzz in there; it made my head go forward, backwards, sideway, any direction possible. I looked at the lady standing at the front counter.

"Welcome to Carla's comfy coffee court, Home of the Carla Coffee. How can I help?" Her tag said she was Emma and she was happy to help and be here, turns out, she was not.

"I'm for a job interview?"

"Oh yes. Carla was having a meltdown in the back. She loves people who stay punctual. People who don't; they just annoy her"

"Like I said, I'm here for a job interview. Not whatever you just said" I'm a nerd but not a you-can-tell-me-anything nerd.

"I'll go call Carla. You wait out here" she said looking me up and down. She looked at me probably thinking I'm a lazy person.

"Welcome to Carla's comfy coffee court. Home of the Carla Coffee. I'm Jeffrey. Can I get you something?" A guy asked as I sat down at a table. He was so cute! But I'm not going to do anything. He was cute; but I will just go where the wind blows me.

"You are way more friendlier than that Emma lady"

"Mam'am that is pretty funny, but I need tips, so what can I get you?" He asked while laughing. He had green eyes!

"The strongest coffee on the menu"

"That would be the Holiday Hangover Hot Coffee"

"Please?" He nodded.

"Coming right up!" I smiled. A fair skinned lady who looked about thirty, came out of a door with STAFF ONLY on the door.

"You must be Ms. Winston. I'm Carla Jacobs" she shook my hand.


"Right, Jennifer, punctuality is a rule I stand by. In fact, all the employees here, have a punctuality code. We stand by it. Would you like to explain why you were fifteen minutes late?"

"I'm so sorry. I just had such a hangover and I overslept. I'm really sorry" I regretted telling her that.


"Not that I drink. I just experimented" I replied nervously.

"Aren't you underage?"

"Yes. No. Maybe?" I started stuttering. Oh goodness!

Carla put her fingers on my lips "Ssh"

"You were late, admitted you have a hangover and admitted that you're far to young to drink. That doesn't impress me. You don't get the job" she turned to walk away.

"Can I have another chance? Please? I need this money."

"I'm sorry"

"I have a mom; I didn't break her fine China, my sister did. Yet, she blames me. And I need to pay her back"

She looked like she regretted turning me down.

"Tomorrow, after school. Get here"

"You won't regret it! I swear!" I smiled. She nodded and walked away.

"Here's your Holiday Hangover Hot Coffee" Jeffrey said.


"So, are you gonna work here?" He asked.

"Yep" he smiled.

"Can't wait"

I waved and walked out the door. I got into the car, where Johnny was waiting.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"Fine" I replied bitterly.



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