Chapter 4

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When I got to the top of the staircase, I was led to an office, which I assumed was his, by his butler.

"We're here."

"Very well then, but tell me why you have brought me here."

"My master wishes to speak with you." Before I could say another word he bows and then leaves. Sigh, now what.

"Hello. Citciellia Phantomhive." The chair behind the desk turned to reveal the same blonde haired rude boy which I danced with.

"So it was you."

"Aw, ciel your not surprised in seeing me, my lovley."

"Well I couldn't let you one up me, I already had Sebastian do a full back round check on you." He pouted. Apparently I ruined his fun.

"Anyway, I have a proposition for you."

"Do tell."

"I would like for you to stay at the manor for one week as my business guest."

"And why would I do that."

"Because the Funtom Company is very successful and I would only like to simply benefit mine and yours s well. To do this we need to get along with eachother to be able to agree on business decisions if we are to ever work together."

"I make my own decisions."

"And that is precisely why I want your help, you do so well for your self I would like you to help me." God he is annoying and persistant.

"I don't do charity."

"This is no charity. Think about it. The queens guard dog and her spider working together, now our sales would sky rocket and sooner or later we would most likely have to work together on a case."

"Fine but I have two conditions."

"One this is for business and business only." He smirked

"Deal or were you hoping for more."

"No." his smirked dropped

"Fine, and your second condition?"

"My butler gets to be here for as long as I have to." Now his brow was furring a little bit, he tried to hide it, but I still saw.

"Fine, Claude! Show Ciel her room and then her butler Sebastian his."

"Yes, your highness."

I was showed to a room that was composed of a white and a creamy gold color.

"If you don't need anything else, I will take my leave." He bows and then walks out the door leaving me alone in the room I will be staying at for a week. Sigh this is going to be one long week.

Day 1

Sebastian woke me up as usual at least it normal until Claude came in.

"Oh your already up."

"Yes well I am her butler, so it is my job to do so." Out of the corner of my eye I see both Sebastian and Claude glaring at eachother.

"A-hem." I cleared my throat to get both their attention. " If you don't mind I need to get dressed." I said getting a little bit annoyed by now. The boys stared at me in shock as if they just noticed I was there.

"Of course, my lady, forgive me." Claude said, before he walked out. However he didn't move quickly enough for Sebastian or me to see a little bit of blood dripping from his nose. Sebastian only glared harder in response. Once dressed in a silk light pink and cream gown, I was shown to the dining area where I was to have breakfast with Alois. God help me.

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