16. Call Me Cataliya

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Cataliya's P.O.V.

"Where are you going?" Elliane yelled after me as I rushed out of the house.

Without answering her, I ran into the woods. It was only dawn. The stale smell of blood hit my nose, making me nauseous. I hated the smell of blood more than anything.

I ran after where the scent led to. My eyes went wide as I saw Blade lying on the ground near a tree where I saw him last in my dream. I didn't know if I could even call it a dream.

He looked pale and ill. I walked to his unconscious body with heavy steps and leaned down.

His dark jean jacket was ripped. His face had small cuts and there was a huge bruise on the left side of his forehead. 

I tried to shake him awake but nonetheless, he remained unconscious. I sat there beside him for almost 20 minutes, doing whatever to get him to wake up with no results.

Finding no other option, I held his hand tightly and saw myself turning red from heat. I tried burning him so that he'd wake up feeling the pain, but my mind got fizzed when I felt his hands grow colder, but not because I was burning fire.

I let go and stumbled backwards. "Oh my goodness." I gasped as he suddenly jumped awake.

I looked at him with horror. He was an elementalist. The exact opposite to mine. I was fire, he was ice.

I wasted no time and ran towards home, even though, Blade was calling my name in the back. I was just glad that he was awake now. He sounded fine to me, which made me not regret my decision of suddenly running home.

I opened the door to our house thinking dad and Elliane would bombard me with their questions, but thankfully, nobody was there. I didn't intend on answering anybody's questions anyway.

I ran to my room and pulled the box out of the secret space on the wall inside my closet. I unlocked it and sighed a breath of relief what I saw it was still there, just the way I left it.

I took it in my hand as it glowed and walked in front of the mirror. I stared at my reflection blankly. A single tear slid down my cheek for no reason.

A girl with black hair with red streaks and bright green eyes, with a bright glowing golden medal in her hand, who was burning reddish fire stared back at me with a haunting look. Suddenly, the eyes changed to bright red.

I couldn't understand why my eyes changed colour so much. I didn't understand why.

My eyes were originally dark brown, black when in wolf form and sometimes it turned bright green but it had never turned this blazing red, ever before. It was quite strange.

I quickly put the seal back inside the box and laid down on my bed. So many things were running through my mind.

I felt stupid for leaving Blade in the woods. 

"Portia!" Elliane barged into my room and I quickly sat up. "Breakfast is ready. Come downstairs." She left with that.

I switched the lights and fan off and followed her downstairs.

"Guys? I've made a decision." I stated as we all settled on the food filled small round table with 4 chairs.

"Uhmmn. Go on." Dad encouraged as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I want to be called Cataliya, not Portia. I know that you've known me by the name Portia all your life, but I haven't. I've been Cataliya. 8 years ago, I was a different person. I was Portia. The last 8 years have been very different, difficult and I've been another person. Cataliya is who I am, maybe not born this way but I am who I am. Please, just call me Cataliya." I spoke.

"Uhm, okay. Whatever you say." Elliane smiled with her mouth full of toast.

"Sure. Anything you wish." Dad smiled.

"Thank you." I started eating with them.

On Sundays, I'd usually go to my secret place in the woods alone and lie there, listening to music. Today was different. After 8 years, I was having a different routine. I was having breakfast with my family and I liked it, though I'd like to spend time in the woods alone too.

"So, how do you guys know Blade?" They both stiffened at my question and were like statues.

Elliane coughed as she drank some water and dad opened his mouth twice to speak, but didn't.

"Blade is my mate, FYI." I informed them. "Second chance mate, though. Asher rejected me and I found out that Blade's my second chance mate."

"Blade's good. You can trust him." Dad assured and I scoffed.

"You're totally ignored the question," I commented. Elliane looked everywhere except for me and dad shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"It's a long story." Elliane said.

"Well, I've got time." I gave them stern looks.

"Well, we found Blade in the woods, injured, so we took him in," dad explained.

"You're lying, dad. Your heart's beating way too fast and you're sweating, Elliane. Could somebody for once tell me the truth? How can I even trust you guys if none of you ever tell me anything?" I was tired of all this. 

"Look, it's hard to explain. You don't even remember everything. We'll explain everything when you get your memories back." Dad bargained.

"No. How could I possibly remember if you wouldn't tell me? You say my memories will be back. What if they don't? Will you keep me in the dark, forever?" I was getting angrier by the minute.

"Por- Cataliya, your face is going red. You need to calm down. Breathe." And so I did. I breathed in a large amount of oxygen and breathed out.

"I thought we're a family. Families don't hide things. I didn't expect this conversation would turn into this. I need to go. I'll be back later. Sorry." I took my empty plate to the kitchen and walked out of the front door.

Dad was about to stop me but Elliane stopped him.

"Let her be, papa. She needs her space." That was the last thing I heard before I sprinted into the woods.

After running for a few minutes, I came to my secret place. I sat there and plugged my earbuds in and closed my eyes. 

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep until I was shook really hard. I opened my eyes and saw them. Not this again.

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