•|Chapter 1|•

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"(Y/N)! COME HELP ME MOVE THIS TABLE!" my mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"COMING!" I called back.

I fumbled with my socks as I slipped them over my bare feet and sprinted down the stairs.

"Where's this from?" I said gesturing to the medium-sized wood dining table.

"Renters down the street moved out and they left it." she shrugged and picked up her end of the table.

"Cool." I reached for the other end and grasped the corners. We slowly made our way into the house, setting the dining table into the living room.

"What are you gonna do with it?" I asked

"I thought I liked it, but I'm not sure now that it's in the house."

My mom was odd like that. She was a great designer, but her mind worked in different ways when it came to remodeling. She had to see the piece inside the house to decide if she liked it or not. I went along with her decisions because in the end the houses always turned out amazing. She stood staring at the table, deep in thought.

"I can't decide."

"Well if you want my opinion, I think our dining table is already good enough."

"Yeah I agree, but this table is too good to throw away." she replied

"Then don't. You could put it in storage or sell it." I suggested

"I'll think about it."

"Ok. Am I free to go?"

She looked at me and quietly laughed. "Yeah you're free to go."

I darted back upstairs to my room and pulled out my phone. I had four missed calls and six unread messages. All from Spencer, my boyfriend of two years. I dialed his number and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe."

"Jeez Spence. You called 4 times?"

He chuckled into the receiver. "I missed ya."

"I saw you yesterday you goof."

"Get ready I'm picking you up in ten." he stated and then his line clicked off.

"10!? He should know I can't get ready in ten minutes." I whispered to myself.

I walked over to my body mirror and saw my raggedy reflection. My thick (h/c) hair was pulled into a messy top knot and I still had my pajamas on. I sighed and got to work on my outfit, deciding to skip my hair. I would need more than ten minutes to fix that mess. My outfit consisted of a small sundress and sandals, since I was too lazy to put on anything else. Just as I was finishing up my makeup, Spencer pulled into the driveway.

"MOM IS IT OKAY IF I CHILL WITH SPENCE FOR A WHILE?" I shouted, frantically rummaging around the bathroom last-minute.

"Be back by nine!"

"Will do!" and with that I pulled the front door open and stepped into the warm summer air.

Spencer was casually leaning on the car door, typing something into his phone. His dirty blonde hair hung perfectly just above his eyebrows, and his eyes shone a emerald green. I opened the passenger seat and lowered myself into his pearly white Altima.

"Well, well, well. Look at you." He smirked and leaned into the car and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You only gave me 10 minutes!" I argued and playfully crossed my arms across my chest.

"You look cute." he stated as he put the car in gear and backed out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?"


"Really? You couldn't of told me this? I could've stayed in my pajamas!" I pouted

"Nah I'd thought we'd walk around the mall for a bit."

"You? You want to walk around the mall?"

"Uh yeah." he mumbled.

"Yeah right."

"I need some new shoes anyway."


After a few minutes of jamming out to the radio, Spencer pulled into the parking lot and we hopped out of the car. We spent 4 hours just chatting and walking around the mall. I tried on a few things here and there and ended up buying a few items.

"Hey it's almost nine." I said after walking out of Tilly's.

"Why does your mom need you back by nine?" he whined "You're practically an adult."

It was true. I had just turned 19 in (birth month) but there was something inside me that didn't want to leave Mom living by herself.

"I don't know why I still live there either." I shrugged

He draped his arm around my shoulders as we walked back to the car. The sky was starting to dim as Spencer pulled into my driveway.

"I believe this is your stop."

"Yes it is." I replied, kissing him on the cheek before grabbing my bags and heading inside.

I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me only to find Mom awake on the couch. She was swiping through something on the iPad.

"We got a taker on the rental down the street."

"Already? Didn't you just put it back up yesterday?"

"People really like this area."

"That's true. Did you already talk to them?" I asked plopping down on the couch next to her.

"Surprisingly, yeah. He called not that long ago asking if he could see it. He scheduled for tomorrow at 2:30"

"Wow. He's eager."

"I know."

I picked myself off the couch and walked into the kitchen for a snack.

"Oh Shoot!" Mom yelled


"I have a doctors appointment at 2 tomorrow! I'll have to call and reschedule."

"It's ok Mom, I'll be home. I'll do it." I suggested

"You sure?"


"Thanks honey, I owe ya." she replied.

"No way." I grabbed a couple of graham crackers and munched on them happily.

"I'll buy you lunch or something."

"Seriously Mom. It's not a big deal."

"Ok, ok. I'm going to bed." She said sleepily.

"Alright G'night."

"Goodnight love."

"Wait Mom?"

"Yes?" she called from the stairs.

"What's this guys name?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh gosh, what did he say his name was?" she thought out loud.

I waited patiently for her to remember.

"I lost it. I can't remember. I think it started with an M?" she questioned herself and continued to walk up to her room.

I shrugged and went back to eating my graham cracker.


*Hey everybody! A big thanks for checking out my book! Don't forget to vote, but most importantly don't forget to comment! I'd love to hear from you.*

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