So people around here really didn't know.

The day was a bit slow and quiet. It was like every single thing I did today was dragged on, making time pass even slower than it already was. When the day ended, Ethan drove us all home. I thought it was weird though when he didn't stop at the middle school to pick up Keaton. We drove right by it and went towards the house.

"Aren't we supposed to pick up Keaton?" I asked leaning forward in the middle of Ethan and Wesley's seats.

"My mom called and she said that he was going to a friends house after school so we didn't have to pick him up." I nodded and we went back home.

When we got in the house I found Kristen and Bella on the couch playing and watching TV with William. I smiled at them getting along so well with the guys and went to my room to drop my bags off and everything. I plugged my phone in and noticed that I had gotten a text from Keaton.

Keaton: I'm sorry about what Jared did to you and I'm going to make it all better today.

What was that supposed to mean? I took my phone and ran out of my room. I didn't know where to go. I ran to Chase's room and knocked frantically on the door. "Chase hurry," I said not wanting to wait any longer than what was necessary.

He quickly opened the door looking at me. He had on basketball shorts but a shirt was absent. "Chase, Lydia said that Keaton was going to a friends house after school, but I got this text from him a few minutes ago." I showed Chase the text and his eyes grew bigger as he became shocked and worried.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Chase asked.

"I don't know, but if it has something to do with Jared then Keaton is in trouble. We have to go find him," I said.

Chase turned around and grabbed a shirt off of his bed and pulled it on. "Okay, let's go. I'll get Ethan. Meet me in the car. Ask Bella and Kristen to help too," he said and ran down the hall to the other set of stairs that lead upstairs.

I ran downstairs and grabbed Bella and Kristen's arms and pulled them off of the couch. "What's going on?" Kristen asked.

"Keaton is in trouble," I said out of breath from being so terrified and all the running I was doing back and forth.

"What?" Lydia asked from in the kitchen. She walked towards us by the door and her eyes grew wide.

"I got a text from Keaton saying he was sorry about what Jared did to me, but he was going to fix it all. I think he is going to try to confront Jared or something and that won't end well." Lydia looked confused. "Trust me. We need to go find him."

Just as I said that Chase, Ethan and Wesley quickly descended the stairs and Ethan and Chase held their car keys in their hands. "It's true mom, we have to go," Chase said. "We can take two cars. Let's go."

That's all that had to be said for all of us to run out of the house and pile into the two cars. I rode with Chase and Wesley and Kristen and Bella rode with Ethan. "Where would Keaton go to meet up with Jared?" Wesley asked.

Thoughts of the first place that I met Jared rushed into my mind. "The skate park," I blurted out. "That's where Keaton hangs out with Jared, right?" I asked for reassurance even though I already knew. I turned and looked over at Ethan's car as we pulled out of the driveway. "Follow us," I yelled and he nodded doing as I said.

We sped down the road, not caring about cops or anything in our way. Keaton was in trouble and needed our help.

When we pulled into the parking lot, the car was barely stopped before Wesley and I jumped out to look for Keaton. We looked all around. We looked in the parking lot, which was practically empty and we looked in the field behind the skating area.

3000 Miles for the Boys [completed]Where stories live. Discover now