During his little speech, Zayn had managed to back Niall all the way up to the wall in front of the stairs. Niall refused to make eye contact, not liking where this conversation was going at all. He was attracted to the soft side of Zayn, not the vicious killer part he was showing just then.

The older boy's arms on either side of Niall's body were like a cage, trapping him in. His eyes were on the rug he had tripped over earlier, taking in all the swirling patterns dancing across it. Niall let out high-pitched gasp as he felt a warm pressure making its way up his still-bare chest, to his neck, and up his jawline. When Zayn attempted to kiss Niall's lips once again, the younger boy turned his head away, causing Zayn to land a sloppy kiss near Niall's ear.

"A little feisty, are we?" he asked amusedly. "That's good," he breathed in Niall's ear, biting and tugging at the lobe. "I like it rough."

Niall's head snapped up immediately.

"Wha-- n-no, I..." His mindless rambling was cut off by Zayn's hand slipping into his own, dragging him off toward the bedroom.

The sun was nearly set and the lights were off. The faint glow of the last few rays of light illuminated the whites of Zayn's eyes. They were dark as night, the pupils enlarged with pure lust filling them. "Make love to me, baby."

Zayn pulled Niall onto the large bed with him, lying flat on his back with the duvet crinkling around him. Niall caught himself before he could collapse onto Zayn's chest and hovered above him in horror and disbelief.

"No," he managed out, sitting back on his knees. "Y-you're just going to kill me soon anyway. I'm not going to be your sex toy. No!"

Zayn sat up and scowled at the boy. "You know I never let anyone else dominate me in sex before?" he snarled. "I always top, you wanna know why? Because I live off power. I crave it; I need it. But right now, I want you to make me feel good. Make love to me."

When Niall refused once again, Zayn grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped him so he was underneath. "Going to be stubborn, eh? You just want me to make love to you, then, you selfish, selfish boy," he chuckled darkly.

Niall found the strength to look into the killer's eyes. "This is NOT love," he spat. "You're a murderer and apparently a rapist, and I hate you!" Tears began welling up in his eyes and spilled onto his pale cheeks.

"Oh, okay. So you were kissing me in the corridor just now because you hate me? Makes sense," Zayn yelled. Anger was coursing through his veins.

Niall's silent tears turned into body-wracking sobs. It hurt his wound, but he couldn't stop. He was scared and disgusted with himself for getting into this situation. If he hadn't been so smashed the day he and his mates had been abducted, none of this would've happened. His friends would still be alive.

"You think Joey's right, don't you? You think I'm not capable of loving someone. You don't think anyone could ever love me! I'm just some fucking monster! Well, I'll show you how right you are," Zayn screamed.

He began harshly stripping off the remaining tattered clothes Niall wore. The younger boy thrashed around weakly for awhile before falling limply back against the duvet. It was no use. Zayn was too strong for him, especially in his enraged state.

When both boys were fully naked, Zayn lowered himself so he was chest-to-chest with Niall.

"You had the chance and you didn't take it," Zayn mumbled in a low voice. "Now it's gonna hurt and it's your fault. You think I'm a monster, I'll show you a monster."

Niall's eyes widened impossibly bigger and he let out a whimper. Not only was he a virgin when it came to guys, but he knew Zayn wouldn't take it easy on him one bit. The blackness of his eyes spoke for him. The Irish lad's breathing was as fast as his heart rate. This could not be happening.

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