Chapter Five: Tell Me A Lie

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A few rays of the rising sun peaked over the horizon. The cab we were in was zooming down Atlantic Avenue, early on this Sunday morning. I stared out the window and watched the trees whiz by as music filtered through my headphones. I could feel a hand gently rest on my leg. I looked up to find Ray, staring at me, smiling. "Why so quiet?" He asked me. I took one headphone out, and shook my head, "No reason. It's kinda early, I'm still tired." He nodded, "I see. Well, you can sleep all you want on the flight. As long as you're energized in Hawaii. We have a jam packed trip ahead." I smiled faintly. "Can't wait." I rested my head on his shoulder, and he lightly kissed my forehead.



"Do you think we'll be together forever?"

He looked me in my eyes, and raised his eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" I shrugged, "Curiosity, I guess. Do you?" Ray didn't respond immediately. "That's a random question," he said, as he slowly shifted his attention to the floor of the taxi cab. I looked up at him with a still disapproving frown on my face. "You didn't answer it, though," I said, impatiently. He sighed. I honestly didn't want to hear what he was going to say next, for I felt that it would lead to my feelings getting hurt. "To be honest, Lo," he began, shifting his attention from the floor to the window, "I don't know. Do I want to be with you forever? Hell yes. But, that's not something I can promise. I don't know what's gonna happen to me- to us in the future, and it wouldn't be fair for me to promise something I have no control of." His gaze didn't leave the window as he said all this to me. My hardened glare turned into a delicate stare. Even a faint smile found its way upon my face. I playfully pushed him, "Nice save." He laughed, "You think I'm joking! I'm serious though, Laurielle." I looked up and smiled at him against. "I know." He put his arm around me, and I went back to listening to my music.

We pulled up to the airport about forty-five minutes later. We went to the Hawaiian Airlines terminal and redeemed our tickets. It took us about another hour just to get through security. Especially with Ray's millions of gold chains that he had to take off. We sat in the waiting area for Flight 9180, Non-Stop to Hawaii. "What are you looking forward to on our trip, babe?" He asked me. "Hmmm, I guess just strolling the beach with my amazing boyfriend," I said, with my mouth full of banana nut muffin. Ray grinned. "Well, I look forward to going to a Luau, an authentic one. And I want to try a real Hawaiian coconut!" I laughed at that. "And maybe meet some hot island girls," He mumbled while smirking. I shot him that "you better quit playing around" look. He chuckled and put his hands up in defense, "Kidding, kidding."

"Flight 9180 is now boarding in gate 16A," a female voice echoed over the loud speaker. Ray and I lugged our suitcases to the gate, ready to enjoy our 2 week getaway in paradise. As we settled in our first class seats, a woman with a long, wavy hair and caramel skin stood before us. She handed everyone, including Ray and I, leis of fluorescent Hawaiian flowers. "Aloha kakahiaka, passengers! Welcome to Hawaiian Airlines. Thank you for choosing us as your means of travel to the beautiful islands of Hawaii. We are scheduled to arrive on the island of Honolulu at 7:40pm eastern standard time; 1:40pm local time. Shortly, a safety video will play for in case of emergency. We will take off shortly as well. If anyone needs anything, don't hesitate to ask me or any other flight attendants. Buckle your seat belts, and enjoy the flight. A hui hou kakou," She said, as she smiled and made her way to the pilot's cockpit.

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