Chapter Two: Old Antics

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I didn't know how to react. I think I was feeling every single emotion at the same time. Excited, because I haven't seen Prod in ages. Scared, because he's reaching out to me after almost two years of no contact, so something was probably up. I simply smiled and and hugged him tightly. He smelled nice; he was wearing this cologne that wasn't too overbearing. I stood with my head in his chest, with my body in his embrace.

I looked up to him, "How did you find me?" He smiled, "I knew you were coming to New York before I saw your Instagram post. Jamaya told me, I just thought it would be cute for me to surprise you. I missed you, Amber." I could feel my self blush, and my face get hot. The fact that he's been thinking about me after all this time; I thought he totally forgot about me. I missed him too, and I was going to let him know that. "I missed you too, Prod. Wow, we have so much to catch up on!"

He grinned, "Definitely! Hey, the last show of our tour is at Madison Square Garden, completely sold out. And, I have some extra tickets if you want to-" Prod was interrupted by the sound of Briana coming through the door with the Chinese food. "Hey Amber, the food is he-" She froze and her eyes widened as she noticed Prodigy standing in the middle of the living room. "Oh my God," she said, putting the food on the table and covering her mouth in awe. "I know I'm a grown woman, but I've been waiting forever to meet you. And your standing right in my tenant's living room. Ugh, I know I'm just rambling on." She held out her hands, "Hi, I'm Briana."

Prod laughed, "Hey Briana. It's always nice to meet a former fan." Briana smiled, and Prod looked over to me again. "So Amber, about the concert, do you want to go? The tickets are for box seats, so you'll be away from all the other fans. Jamaya will be there, too! What do you say? You can even bring Briana along." I stood there, thinking about it. I looked over Prod's shoulder, to see what Briana's opinion was. She nodded her head and mouthed, "Go." I smiled, "Sure, I'd love to go to the concert, Prod." He grinned, "Good! Here's the tickets." He pulled out the two flimsy pieces of paper, and put them in the palm of my hands. "It's tomorrow night at 8. It's gonna be just like old times."

Before I got the chance to say something, Prod's watch beeped non-stop. He looked at it, "Damn, I gotta meet the boys for rehearsal. It was nice seeing you, Amber. And nice to meet you too, Briana." He waltzed over to the door, "Bye ladies!" And with that, he was gone. I sighed, I really did miss Prodigy, and just as I predicted earlier, I could feel some of the old feelings I felt for him resurface. Briana squealed excitedly, "This is gonna be so much fun! I'm gonna have to get an outfit! Finally after like seven years I'm going to see my boys!" I laughed, "Trust me, Bri. The hype will die down. Now lets dive into this Chinese food!" We laughed about that, but it was the truth. As well as a partial lie. Although the flame might gradually die down, it never really goes out.


"Hey, Bri! You ready?" I called from upstairs. She was up in my room getting ready. It was the night of the concert. I had on a midnight violet peplum top with gold accents, with my black Levi's shorts, and Toms to match. And my gold accessories were the icing on the cake. I was feeling really anxious. I was seeing all my old friends for the first time, how could I keep calm? Briana's voiced echoed through the hallway, "Sure am!" Bri came through the front door of my apartment, flashing her outfit to me. She twirled around in her chiffon blue high-low dress with black wedges. "Well well well," I said, impressed, "Don't you look hot!" She giggled, "I know- I mean, thanks!" Both of us started dying. I loved being with Briana. The past 24 hours have been nothing but fun, something that I've been lacking since I graduated high school.

To Get The Ones We HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora