"I'll see you around" he said going back inside, I smiled and he shut the door, I walked to my car and started driving back to Chelsea's house.



I shut my locker door and had 5 minutes to spare till my next class which was English, I was walking to Chelsea's locker which was just around the corner till I bumped into someone, I was expecting to hit the floor when it didn't come, I opened my eyes to see Tyson looking at me with one of his hand over my tummy to my waist and his other hand on my back holding me up, looking like we just done the tango and it was the final move.

We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, his chocolate brown eyes boring into my green ones, "I'm s-sorry" I stuttered "it's ok" he said never taking his eyes off me, until someone clears there throat we both keep eye contact but slowly turn our heads to see Caleb standing there smirking "I KNEW IT I KNEW IT KNEW IT" he yelled.

"You knew what?" I asked, by this time on I was out of Tyson's warm arms and am now standing in front of Caleb with Tyson next to me, "I knew you to are dating In secret" he said, Tyson and I both looked at him like he's either gone crazy or like we just seen a chicken run around with no head.

"We're not dating at all" I said furrowing my eyebrows "yeah yeah sure sure" he said sarcastically, "Caleb were not dating" Tyson said in a deadly tone that I thought was fake, Caleb nodded and walked away, I looked at Tyson, a flash of hurt went through his eyes when he said it but shook it of.

"I'll see you later" I said smiling at him "and thanks for saving me.....again" I smiled sweetly at him once again "all good" he said I swear I heard him mumble 'I'll always be there to save you" but I was probably just hearing things.

I walked to Jeremiah and saw him with Chelsea "so so so" Jeremiah I asked "are you guys together or not" he said growing impatient "um it's not official and I wouldntnd to be surprised if he did ask me
Out because he probably has make out sessions with hundreds of girls probably more then make out" she whispered/yelled.

"Just wondering was it a open mouth kiss or just" before Jeremiah could even finish the sentence She slapped him upside the back of his head. before anyone could say anything Caleb came beside Chelsea "hey babe" he said kissing her forehead.

"Are you to like a thing" Jeremiah said pointing his fingers at both of them "yep, blue here is my girlfriend" he said smirking, Chelsea gaped her mouth "I'm gonna go...Jeremiah lets go help mrs kappa cut her toes" I said then furrowing my eye brows at what i just said, "cutting whose toes" Jake and Jack said at the same time joining our chat
"mrs Kappa toes" Jeremiah said

"oh Ewwww her toes are green fucking green" Jake yelled

"how do you know" I asked

"Because she once wore flip flops to class and you could see her toe nails which were disgusting as fuck like the toe nail was from her toe to the bloody top of the Eiffel Tower" he said shuddering at the memory.

A chorus of ew's went through the the group till the bell rang signaling us for last period which means Gym Yay... Like I mean it seriously I love reading and writing but I was practically raised in a gym I remember having to watch my parents fight at the boxing rink when I was little.

I went to the girls locker room to change, the only thing I hated about this class was the uniform, I hated that I was late for the bigger shirts and shorts which meant I had a extra small t-shirt and tight shorts that thank the lord covered my butt.

I walked out to hear whistles "looking good Crews" Jake said wiggling his eyebrows "mmhhmm" Jack agree I blushed tomato red and kept walking muttering a thank you as I walked past them.

I looked around to see the guys playing basketball, As I was looking I saw Tyson there.......holy mother of skittle poop he was shirtless. He was shooting the basketball for it to go into the hoop which it did in a nice swift movement.

My mouth gaped in shock, Chelsea and Abby were behind me "in 3..2..1" they both said in sync "and right on time woo last time she went earlier" Abby said, I turned around to see Winnie touching Tyson's toned Biceps and muscles.

Ok let me explain to you,winner is a two timing back stabbing female dog. She pretends to be your best friend and once she knows all your secrets she spills them out to the entire school, she's a typical cliche Barbie in high school, died blonde hair that is dead straight, fake blue contacts and clothes that look like they have been attacked of my a grizzly bear.

"Babe" a familiar voice screamed out we all tuned around and saw Caleb running towards Chelsea sweaty and shirtless. What is with these guys and there god like bodies he also had a 6-pack, I have got to say Tyson wins the no shirt competition.

After I snapped out of my thoughts I looked to see Chelsea and Caleb sucking off each other's faces so I walked away. "What did you just say" I heard Tyson screamed "I'd like to fuck that pretty ass of hers got a problem" the random guy retorted "stay away from her" Tyson said "how bout no" said the guy laughing with his friends giving some a high five.

Tyson pounced on the guy punching him repeatedly, the guy got a few punches in but Tyson was by far winning this. "The teacher came in between and broke the fight apart, "Joel walk away, summer come and take Tyson to the nurses office Joel will go after so they won't rip each other on the way" she said, I did not want to do this why did she choose me there were more then 25 girls In this class and she chose me great just great.

"She doesn't have to come I can walk by myself" Tyson said angrily "she's going with you to make sure you don't break anything on the way there" she said "I said I don't want her to come" Tyson said even more angry that the teacher flinched back a look of fear going through her face why was she scared of him "she she she is going with you and that's final" she said and went to teach her class.

I looked at Tyson and saw a bruise forming in his left cheek and Above his eyebrow and a busted lip, I walked towards the door with him stomping behind me, "you didn't have to come" he stated "it's ok" I simply said and continued walking to the nurses office.

"Aah mr Johnson what have you done this time" she said smirking at Tyson "got into a fight" he simply said, "oh ok I won't be here to clean up the wounds because my mother is in hospital and the other nurse is stuck in traffic so you know where the equipment is" he simply said who does that leaves a teenager in the nurses office alone oh god.

"Oh yes mr Johnson remember to fill this out in your file" she said before getting out of the room. I looked at Tyson to see him struggling with the tissue paper to clean his lip. I walked to him "may I" I asked he nodded his head "it may sting a bit" I said "ok" he said I dapped the tissue paper with Water and alcohol substances on his lip slowly he winced here and there till I finished. I then care fully put some cream thing on his bruises and I was done.

I looked into his eyes again, my knees always weakened when I looked into his eyes, they held so much emotion he leaned in and I found myself doing the same thing I was about to have my first ever kiss with Tyson Johnson. After what felt like years his lips finally high fives mine, sparks went through out my entire body, fire works exploded everywhere it was amazing, it got from slow and steady to rough and passionate.


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